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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | Very windy today with much cooler conditions and an increased fire threat

Paul Dorian

6-Day Forecast


Mostly sunny and very windy with gusts past 40 mph, much cooler than yesterday, low-to-mid 70’s


Mostly clear, windy early then just breezy late, quite cool, upper 40’s


Mostly sunny, breezy, still cool, mid 70’s


Mostly sunny, warmer, little wind, near 80


Mostly sunny, warm, low 80’s


Mostly sunny, warm, low-to-mid 80’s


Mostly sunny, warm, mid 80’s


A strong, moisture-starved cold front has moved through the region and it has ushered in a cooler and very dry air mass. Winds will be very strong today behind the front with northerly wind gusts of up to 40 mph likely. The combination of the strong wind gusts and low relative humidity will increase the fire threat over the next 12 hours or so with the most dangerous time during the afternoon hours. Winds will start off quite strong early tonight, but then they’ll subside rather quickly later this evening lessening the fire threat. It'll get quite cool late tonight and again late tomorrow night with upper 40's likely in many locations. A gradual warming trend will develop later this week and it will continue right through the weekend with no rain in sight.

