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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | **Warming trend to bring us back to the 60's during the first half of next week**

Paul Dorian

Arctic high pressure that has dominated the weather pattern during the past few days will finally weaken and shift to the east of here as we move into the weekend. As such, temperatures will begin a climb from afternoon highs in the 30’s today to near 50 degrees on Sunday and then the middle 60’s are on the table during the first half of next week.

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7:00 AM | **Warming trend brings us back to the 60's during the first half of next week**

Paul Dorian

There can be some residual snow this morning across the foothills and adjacent plains, but the overall pattern will then change to warmer and less unsettled. Temperatures this afternoon will likely peak in the lower 40’s and then reach 50+ degrees on Friday. Looking ahead, 60+ degrees is on the table for high temperatures during the early part of next week.

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6:15 AM | **Windy and quite cold conditions to close out the work week...NW winds gust past 35 mph or so on the backside of departing low pressure**

Paul Dorian

Today will be another cold and windy day in the Mid-Atlantic region with well below-normal temperatures and gusts up to 35 mph or so. The combination of departing strong low pressure out over the Atlantic Ocean and an incoming high pressure system in the middle of the country is resulting in a tight pressure gradient across the region; hence, winds will be strong throughout the day from a northwesterly direction. Temperatures moderate this weekend with afternoon highs back to near 50 degrees by Sunday and it’ll turn even milder during the first half of next week.

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6:15 AM | **Windy and quite cold conditions to close out the work week...NW winds gust past 35 mph or so on the backside of departing low pressure**

Paul Dorian

Today will be another cold and windy day in the Mid-Atlantic region with well below-normal temperatures and gusts up to 35 mph or so. The combination of departing strong low pressure out over the Atlantic Ocean and an incoming high pressure system in the middle of the country is resulting in a tight pressure gradient across the region; hence, winds will be strong throughout the day from a northwesterly direction. Temperatures moderate this weekend with afternoon highs back to 40+ degrees by Sunday and it’ll turn even milder during the first half of next week.

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6:15 AM | **Windy and quite cold conditions to close out the work week...NW winds gust past 35 mph or so on the backside of departing low pressure**

Paul Dorian

Today will be another cold and windy day in the Mid-Atlantic region with well below-normal temperatures and gusts up to 35 mph or so. The combination of departing strong low pressure out over the Atlantic Ocean and an incoming high pressure system in the middle of the country is resulting in a tight pressure gradient across the region; hence, winds will be strong throughout the day from a northwesterly direction. Temperatures moderate this weekend with afternoon highs back to 40+ degrees by Sunday and it’ll turn even milder during the first half of next week.

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11:15 AM (Thursday) | ***”The cold is getting old, but it just won’t fold”...a look ahead to early March and the likelihood for more cold air outbreaks***

Paul Dorian

Arctic air covers much of the nation again today with a continuing tight grip on the central states where numerous daily low temperature records have been set all the way from the Dakotas to Texas and, in a few cases, monthly low temperature records have been challenged. The average temperature across the continental US earlier today was 15.0°F below the average for this time of year and, in a few spots, temperatures were between 45 and 50 degrees below the average (e.g., Nebraska, SW Missouri). Temperatures will gradually moderate over the upcoming weekend and next week promises to feature above-normal temperatures across a wide part of the nation. It is, however, quite likely that additional very cold air masses will be able to make their way from northern Canada into the central and eastern US as the month of March gets underway.

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7:00 AM | ***Some snow or snow showers today as northern stream wave passes overhead...small accumulations likely...very windy and cold on Friday***

Paul Dorian

As surface low pressure intensifies today out over the western Atlantic, a northern stream wave of energy in the upper part of the atmosphere will pass directly over the Mid-Atlantic region and this will enhance upward motion and produce quite unstable conditions. As a result, there is likely to be some snow or snow shower activity in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor and small accumulations of a coating to an inch or so are possible…watch out for slippery spots. On the backside of the departing strong low pressure, another very cold and windy (gusts to 40 mph) day is in store for the Mid-Atlantic region with well below-normal temperatures on Friday and even lower wind chill values.

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7:00 AM | ***Some snow or snow showers today as northern stream wave passes overhead...small accumulations likely...very windy and cold on Friday***

Paul Dorian

As surface low pressure intensifies today out over the western Atlantic, a northern stream wave of energy in the upper part of the atmosphere will pass directly over the Mid-Atlantic region and this will enhance upward motion and produce quite unstable conditions. As a result, there is likely to be some snow or snow shower activity in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor and small accumulations of a coating to an inch or so are possible…watch out for slippery spots. On the backside of the departing strong low pressure, another very cold and windy (gusts to 40 mph) day is in store for the Mid-Atlantic region with well below-normal temperatures on Friday and even lower wind chill values.

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7:00 AM | ***Some snow or snow showers today as northern stream wave passes overhead...small accumulations likely...very windy and cold on Friday***

Paul Dorian

As surface low pressure intensifies today out over the western Atlantic, a northern stream wave of energy in the upper part of the atmosphere will pass directly over the Mid-Atlantic region and this will enhance upward motion and produce quite unstable conditions. As a result, there is likely to be some snow or snow shower activity in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor and small accumulations of a coating to an inch or so are possible…watch out for slippery spots later today; especially, during bursts of heavier snow. On the backside of the departing strong low pressure, another very cold and windy (gusts to 40 mph) day is in store for the Mid-Atlantic region with well below-normal temperatures on Friday and even lower wind chill values.

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***Bitter cold across much of the nation and more to come...southern Mid-Atlantic snowstorm later today/tonight...northern stream system brings some snow on Thursday to DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor***

Paul Dorian

Arctic air covers much of the nation today with a particularly tight grip on the central states where numerous daily low temperature records have been set all the way from the Dakotas to the Rio Grande Valley region of southern Texas. The average temperature across the continental US earlier today was 15.4°F which is well below normal for this time of year and only the state of Florida could boast about warm weather conditions.

In addition to the widespread cold, accumulating snow fell yesterday across portions of the Middle Mississippi Valley and significant snow today will spread from the Tennessee Valley to the southern Mid-Atlantic region. The DC metro area will be on the northern edge of today’s “southern stream” system and can receive a coating to an inch or so; especially, across the southern suburbs. On Thursday, a “northern stream” wave in the upper atmosphere will pass right over the Mid-Atlantic region and likely result in some snow or snow shower activity in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor. The week ends with yet another very cold and windy day on Friday in the Mid-Atlantic region with well below normal temperatures and even lower wind chill values.

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