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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

*Artificial intelligence (AI) making strides in the world of weather forecasting…European Center for Forecasting makes its AI-model fully operational*

Paul Dorian

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a collection of technologies that allow computers to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, and it is increasingly impacting the world of weather forecasting. The European Center for Medium-Range Forecasting (ECMWF) has made strides with its Artificial Intelligence Forecasting System (AIFS) as it has recently become fully operational and is now run side-by-side with its traditional physics-based Integrated Forecasting System (IFS). According to the ECMWF, the AIFS has outperformed the physics-based model for many measures including, for example, tropical cyclone tracks. In addition to the ECMWF AIFS, there are at least four other known “A.I. trained” weather models including NOAA/Google GraphCast, Microsoft’s Aurora, NVIDIA’s FourCast, and Huawei’s Pangu-Weather.

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7:00 AM | *A pleasant day today with plenty of sun and highs in the 70's*

Paul Dorian

Today will be a rather pleasant day across the region with plenty of sunshine and comfortable temperatures that should peak this afternoon in the lower-to-middle 70’s. It turns a bit cooler at mid-week with the passage of a cool front, but then high pressure should result in decent weather again for the latter part of the week. Unsettled weather heads this way for the upcoming weekend with southwesterly winds likely to pump in a moist air mass which when combined with a shortwave ejecting eastward from the Rockies can result in shower activity around here on both Saturday and Sunday.

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7:00 AM | *Some sunshine for today as high pressure returns...on the cool side for tomorrow and Thursday*

Paul Dorian

High pressure takes control of the weather today on the back side of a departing cold frontal system and it should result in some sunshine and a breezy, milder afternoon. A weak disturbance slides to our south early tomorrow and then high pressure returns for later tomorrow and Thursday. It’ll be on the cool side on both Wednesday and Thursday and then warmer weather returns for the end of the week and upcoming weekend; however, it’ll become more unsettled as well with an increasing chance of showers. One final note…there should be plenty of sunshine on Thursday for the Nationals home opener against the Phillies and it’ll be a tad cooler-than-normal with afternoon highs in the upper 50’s.

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7:00 AM | *Some sunshine for today as high pressure returns...on the cool side for tomorrow and Thursday*

Paul Dorian

High pressure takes control of the weather today on the back side of a departing cold frontal system and it should result in some sunshine and a breezy, milder afternoon. A weak disturbance slides to our south early tomorrow and then high pressure returns for later tomorrow and Thursday. It’ll be on the cool side on both Wednesday and Thursday with highs on both afternoons in the lower 50’s. One final note…there should be plenty of sunshine on Thursday for the Yankees home opener and it’ll be a tad cooler-than-normal with afternoon highs in the lower 50’s.

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7:00 AM | *Some sunshine for today as high pressure returns...on the cool side for tomorrow and Thursday*

Paul Dorian

High pressure takes control of the weather today on the back side of a departing cold frontal system and it should result in some sunshine and a breezy, milder afternoon. A weak disturbance slides to our south early tomorrow and then high pressure returns for later tomorrow and Thursday. It’ll be on the cool side on both Wednesday and Thursday and then milder weather returns for the end of the week and upcoming weekend; however, it’ll become more unsettled as well with an increasing chance of showers.

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7:00 AM | *Warm and dry next few days...temperatures by Thursday afternoon could flirt with the 80-degree mark*

Paul Dorian

The next few days will feature warm and dry weather across the region and temperatures by Thursday afternoon could soar to near 80 degrees for highs which would be in record-breaking territory. The late week and weekend can turn cooler with the chance of shower activity, but likely nothing too significant in terms of overall precipitation amounts.

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7:00 AM | *A very comfortable week as we wind down the month of March*

Paul Dorian

An overall milder weather pattern this week which will bring us to near 70 degrees for highs this afternoon by early next week and then potentially to the middle or upper 70’s by Wednesday and Thursday. Changes may arrive here by the end of the week with the arrival of a frontal system raising the chance for showers and cooler air is likely to follow.

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7:00 AM | *Showers into early afternoon as a cold frontal system slowly passes through the region*

Paul Dorian

The week starts off unsettled as a cold frontal system slowly works its way through the area producing occasional showers right through early afternoon. High pressure will take control on Tuesday, but only for a brief time as another system can produce some shower activity around here on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. The weather returns to generally dry and cool conditions for later Wednesday and Thursday as another high pressure system builds into the region.

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7:00 AM | *Occasional showers today as a cold frontal system slowly passes through the region*

Paul Dorian

The week starts off unsettled as a cold frontal system slowly works its way through the area producing occasional showers for much of the day. High pressure will take control on Tuesday, but only for a brief time as another system can produce some shower activity around here on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. The weather returns to generally dry and cool conditions for later Wednesday and Thursday as another high pressure system builds into the region…chilly weather for the Yankees home opener.

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