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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: DEN

7:00 AM | *A flirtation with 80 degrees on Thursday afternoon*

Paul Dorian

The next few days will feature warm and dry weather across the region and temperatures by tomorrow afternoon could soar to near 80 degrees for highs which would be in record-breaking territory. The weekend can turn cooler with the chance of shower activity, but likely nothing too significant in terms of overall rainfall amounts.

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7:00 AM | *Warm and dry next few days...temperatures by Thursday afternoon could flirt with the 80-degree mark*

Paul Dorian

The next few days will feature warm and dry weather across the region and temperatures by Thursday afternoon could soar to near 80 degrees for highs which would be in record-breaking territory. The late week and weekend can turn cooler with the chance of shower activity, but likely nothing too significant in terms of overall precipitation amounts.

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7:00 AM | *A very comfortable week as we wind down the month of March*

Paul Dorian

An overall milder weather pattern this week which will bring us to near 70 degrees for highs this afternoon by early next week and then potentially to the middle or upper 70’s by Wednesday and Thursday. Changes may arrive here by the end of the week with the arrival of a frontal system raising the chance for showers and cooler air is likely to follow.

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*Stratospheric warming to result in additional cold air outbreaks Great Lakes-to-Northeast season gets fully underway on Thursday (3/27) with plenty of cold weather early season games*

Paul Dorian

An on-going stratospheric warming event that began in late February increases the chance for additional cold air outbreaks as we wind down the month of March from the Great Lakes/Midwest to the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US. In fact, the typical lag time between a stratospheric warming event over the polar region and its impact on US temperature patterns suggests there may very well be cold air outbreaks to deal with in this part of the country at least until the middle of April. As it turns out, big-league baseball gets underway in earnest in one week’s time on Thursday, March 27th, and the early part of the season may feature plenty of cold weather games thanks in large part to the on-going big-league stratospheric warming event. In addition, the influx of colder-than-normal air masses in coming weeks keeps hope alive across the northern states for those wishing for more snow...yes, even though spring season is now officially underway.

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7:00 AM | *Cold and windy today with the chance for snow showers*

Paul Dorian

It’ll be quite cold today across the Denver metro region and there can be some snow shower activity as well. Temperatures will likely be confined to the low-to-mid 40’s for afternoon highs and the winds will produce even lower wind chill values with gusts past 30 mph or so. It turns milder for the second half of the week with highs back up in the 50’s on Thursday and Friday and potentially the 60’s on Saturday.

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6:15 AM | ****Powerful low pressure brings colder and very windy conditions to the region with gusts possible to 55 mph****

Paul Dorian

It turns much cooler on Friday as we become influenced by a potent, quick-moving storm system and there can be rain and/or snow showers to go along with very strong winds that can gust to 55 mph. The weather settles down some on Saturday, but it’ll remain on the chilly side to go along with partly sunny skies. It turns warmer and drier for the early part of next week (Sunday, Monday) only to turn colder again by the middle of next week.

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