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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | Solar storm unleashes coronal mass ejection; shower/storm threat here for the weekend

Paul Dorian

6-Day Forecast


Mostly sunny, hot, highs in the lower 90's


Partly cloudy, mild, chance for a shower or thunderstorm, low 60’s for lows


Partly sunny, very warm, chance for showers and thunderstorms, near 90

Saturday Night

Mostly cloudy, mild, chance for a shower or thunderstorm, low 60’s


Partly sunny, very warm, chance for showers and thunderstorms, near 90


Partly sunny, very warm, chance for showers and thunderstorms, near 90


Mainly sunny, very warm, slight chance for showers and thunderstorms, upper 80’s


Mainly sunny, very warm, slight chance for showers and thunderstorms, upper 80’s


Humongous sunspot AR1520 unleashed an X-class solar flare on Thursday afternoon while directly facing the Earth and a coronal mass ejection (CME) is headed towards the Earth. Forecasters expect the CME to arrive later tonight possibly sparking strong geomagnetic storms. Sky watchers should be on alert for the next few nights for possible "northern lights" throughout the northern part of the US.

Closer to home, high pressure in the upper atmosphere will move eastward today from over the western part of Colorado in response to upper level low pressure that will approach the Pacific Northwest. As a result, our flow of air will change from northwest to southwest and this will increase our moisture amounts for the weekend which will increase our chances for showers and thunderstorms.

