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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

12:00 PM | Fabio's moisture now moving into southern California

Paul Dorian


Late last week we started mentioning the possibility that the remains of Hurricane Fabio could affect southern California and now it’s leftover moisture is streaming into the region and showers and thunderstorms will be possible this afternoon and tonight from San Diego to Los Angeles. By later tonight, the bulk of the moisture will be out of the area as the system is moving fairly quickly. Flash flooding is not too likely as any showers and thunderstorms that do move inland will be moving along at quite a quick pace, but we’ll monitor the situation; especially, over the mountains where some heavy rain can fall. Also, large swells of up to 4-6 feet can occur due to the remnants of Fabio this afternoon and evening. It is quite rare that rain from a tropical storm actually affects the Los Angeles basin. The last time that this happened was with the remains of Hurricane Dean during August of 2007 that actually made landfall in Santa Barbara.