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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | 90's again today, but nothing extreme for the rest of the week

Paul Dorian

6-Day Forecast


Mostly sunny, hot, highs in the low-to-mid 90’s


Mostly cloudy, mild, slight chance for an evening shower or thunderstorm, low 60’s for lows


Mostly sunny, hot, highs near 90

Tuesday Night

Mostly cloudy, mild, slight chance for an evening shower or thunderstorm, low 60’s for lows


Mostly sunny, hot, near 90


Mostly sunny, hot, low 90’s


Mostly sunny, hot, chance for a shower or thunderstorm, near 90


Mostly sunny, hot, chance for a shower or thunderstorm, near 90


The hottest weather this past weekend relative to normal shifted westward to places like Oregon and Washington while the central Rockies enjoyed a cool down. We will return to the 90's this afternoon, but much of the week will see highs right around 90 with no extreme heat expected. Elsewhere, Tropical Storm Ernesto continues to chug along to the west in the Caribbean Sea. It is headed on a path that would take it right into the Yucatan Peninsula section of Mexico. Tropical Depression Florence is situated in the central Atlantic and has weakened recently as it has encountered lots of dry air.

