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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | Warming trend sets in later this week and weekend

Paul Dorian

6-Day Forecast


Fog and clouds early then mostly sunny, cool, highs near 70 degrees


Partly cloudy, mild, some patchy fog late, lows in the low 60’s


Fog and clouds early then mostly sunny, warmer, low 70’s

Thursday Night

Partly cloudy, mild, fog late, mid 60’s


Fog and clouds early then partly sunny, warm, mid 70’s


Fog and clouds early then mostly sunny, warm, mid-to-upper 70’s


Fog and clouds early then mostly sunny, very warm, upper 70’s


Fog and clouds early then mostly sunny, still very warm, upper 70’s


A marine flow of air will keep us relatively cool again today, but then it will retreat by Friday and this action will set off a warming trend that will continue through the weekend. One other factor that will have to be monitored over the next few days is Hurricane Miriam which could very well send moisture into the southwestern US. There is an outside chance that Miriam’s tropical moisture could actually bring some clouds and rain into California, but odds favor that moisture staying to our east.

