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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | Snowstorm has moved to the Upper Midwest; bitter cold start yields to moderating conditions

Paul Dorian

6-Day Forecast


Mostly sunny, breezy, very cold this morning, but temperatures modify nicely this afternoon, low 40’s


Mostly clear, very cold, lows near 20 degrees


Mostly sunny, not as cold, upper 40's

Friday Night

Mostly clear, very cold, lows near 30


Mostly sunny, mild, low 50's


Mostly sunny, colder, low 40’s


Partly sunny, cold, upper 30’s


Becoming mostly cloudy, colder, maybe some snow, near 30


The first widespread snow event since earlier this fall is now over as the storm has pulled out into the central Plains and will cause blizzard conditions later today across Iowa and Wisconsin where more than a foot of snow can fall along with 50 mph wind gusts. Temperatures will start off at very cold levels in the wake of the storm, but will modify some this afternoon as well as during the remainder of the week.

