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7:00 Am | *Tropical storm formation likely Gulf of Mexico next 24 hours or so...likely headed towards the central Gulf States by later Saturday*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 Am | *Tropical storm formation likely Gulf of Mexico next 24 hours or so...likely headed towards the central Gulf States by later Saturday*

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for Melbourne, Florida


Mainly cloudy, quite warm, humid, a good chance of showers and thunderstorms, highs in the mid 80’s; W-SW winds at 5-10 mph


Mainly cloudy, mild, muggy, a good chance of showers and thunderstorms, lows in the mid 70’s


Partly sunny, warm, humid, chance of showers and thunderstorms, mid-to-upper 80’s for afternoon highs

Friday Night

Mainly cloudy, mild, muggy, chance of showers and thunderstorms, mid-to-upper 70’s for late night lows


Partly sunny, warm, humid, chance of showers and thunderstorms, mid-to-upper 80’s


Partly sunny, warm, humid, chance of showers and thunderstorms, mid-to-upper 80’s


Partly sunny, warm, humid, chance of showers and thunderstorms, mid-to-upper 80’s


Partly sunny, quite warm, humid, chance of showers and thunderstorms, upper 80’s


A tropical wave will begin to turn the north today over the southern Gulf of Mexico and it is likely to intensify into tropical storm status by later Friday. On Saturday, this tropical storm is likely to be nearing the central Gulf coastal region and rainfall could spread into Mississippi and Alabama. After landfall, the tropical wave is likely to push to the northeast with its leftover rains moving into the Tennessee Valley on Sunday and Carolinas and Virginia by Monday. If this system does indeed reach tropical storm status (and that is quite probable), it would take on the name of “Claudette”.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian