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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 Low pressure in the Deep South brings us unsettled weather after chilly start to the new week

Paul Dorian

A cold frontal passage has ushered in colder air and we’ll start the new work week on a chilly note.  High pressure settles in tonight and then gives way on Tuesday to an approaching low pressure system trekking eastward across the Deep South.  Weakening low pressure will push by to our south at mid-week keeping us unsettled and in the cool sector.

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7:00 AM | Temperatures continue on a wild ride

Paul Dorian

Temperatures will take a wild ride over the next few days.  The warm weather of yesterday has been replaced by a chilly air mass and temperatures tonight will bottom out in the middle 20’s.  A big rebound in temperatures will take place as we head into the weekend and temperatures will flirt with the 70 degree mark by Sunday afternoon. 

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6:00 AM | *Temperatures take big swing next few days*

Paul Dorian

Temperatures will again take a wild ride over the next few days.  Warm weather today will be accompanied by showers and possible thunderstorms as a cold front approaches and then it’ll become noticeably colder on Thursday following the frontal passage.  In fact, after temperatures climb to the upper 60’s this afternoon for highs, they may not even reach the 50 degree mark on Thursday. A big rebound in temperatures is quite coming our way this weekend. 

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7:00 AM | *Warm up will be accompanied by showers and possible strong thunderstorms...much cooler again by Thursday*

Paul Dorian

Warm weather over the next couple of days will be accompanied by some shower and possible strong thunderstorm activity with gusts to 50 mph, but then a cold frontal passage will bring much cooler air into the region by Thursday.  In fact, after highs well up in the 60’s over the next couple of days, it’ll be a struggle to reach the 50 degree mark for highs on Thursday.  A rebound in temperatures is likely headed our way for the late week and weekend.

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7:00 AM | Quite a swing in temperatures from late tonight (upper 20's) to early next week (near 70 degrees)

Paul Dorian

Temperatures will take quite a swing during the next several days with low temperatures in the 20’s during the overnight hours and then highs will climb well up into the 60’s early next week.  The warm up will not come without some rainfall, however.  In fact, showers and thunderstorms are likely in the Tuesday/Wednesday time frame to go along with those expected warm conditions.

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7:00 AM | Cold front works its way through the region today...quite cold by tomorrow night, but big warmup comes by Tuesday/Wednesday of next week

Vencore Weather

There will be quite a swing in temperatures during the next several days with 20's likely for lows tomorrow night and upper 60's for highs by next Tuesday afternoon.  A weak cold front will slowly slip through the region today with scattered showers forming along and behind the boundary zone. Temperatures could actually reach their peak for the day this morning and slip back some this afternoon as northerly winds develop behind the frontal passage. 

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