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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | Chilly air remains in control throughout the eastern US

Paul Dorian

Cold high pressure controls the weather around here and the next few days will remain below normal for this time of year and temperatures will plunge into the 20’s once again during the overnight hours.  The surface high begins to push to the east of here later this week and temperatures will modify as we approach the weekend.

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7:00 AM | **Cold air plunges into the Deep South**

Paul Dorian

Cold high pressure builds into the region today and tonight and the next few days will be way below normal for this time of year and temperatures will plunge to the 20’s next couple nights.  The surface high begins to push to the east of here later this week and temperatures will modify some as we approach the weekend. 

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7:00 AM | Downright cold later tonight with the weekend beginning in the 30's

Paul Dorian

Following a cold frontal passage, much cooler air will arrive later today and tonight and the weekend will begin with temperatures in the 30’s.  It will turn milder tomorrow afternoon, but then another cold shot of air will arrive for the latter part of the weekend and early part of next week.  This next cold shot will be preceded by some rainfall late tomorrow and tomorrow night.

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7:00 AM | *Showers and thunderstorms return after midnight and some of the storms can be strong-to-severe*

Paul Dorian

It’ll be another quiet day in northern Alabama, but more showers and thunderstorms will return after midnight as a cold front approaches. In fact, some of the storms late tonight could be on the strong-to-severe side with damaging wind gusts and possible small hail. Colder air will return on Friday night following the frontal passage and we’ll likely start the weekend with temperatures back down in the mid 30’s. 

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7:00 AM | Next round of showers and thunderstorms comes late tomorrow night/Friday

Paul Dorian

It’ll be much quieter today following yesterday’s shower and thunderstorm activity and the nicer weather will continue into tomorrow as well.  By late tomorrow night, however, a vigorous upper-level trough is likely to spark the formation of showers and thunderstorms and there can even be some strong-to-severe thunderstorm cells to deal with going into the day on Friday.

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7:00 AM | *Showers today and a strong thunderstorm or two likely*

Paul Dorian

A cold front will push across our area today raising the chance for showers and possible strong thunderstorms with the chance for severe weather to the west of I-65.  It’ll turn cooler following the front for the middle part of the week as high pressure builds back into the Deep South.  Another chance for showers and thunderstorms comes later in the week in the late Thursday night/Friday time period. 

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7:00 AM | An increasing chance for showers by late tonight/Tuesday, maybe a thunderstorm or two

Paul Dorian

High pressure will shift off the east coast and it’ll turn milder and more humid with southerly winds intensifying in the region. A cold front will cross the Central Plains later today and then push across our area on Tuesday raising the chance for showers and thunderstorms.  It’ll turn a bit cooler following the front for the middle part of the week, but then milder again late in the week. 

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7:00 AM | Downright cold tonight with overnight lows near 30 degrees

Paul Dorian

Temperatures today will remain below normal for this time of year as highs struggle to reach the middle 50’s.  The weekend will bring a rebound in temperatures and 60 degrees is likely to be surpassed by Sunday afternoon.  Another strong cold frontal could arrive here early next week and the threat for showers and thunderstorms will return.

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7:00 AM | Downright cold next couple of nights

Paul Dorian

A strong frontal system passed through the region late yesterday and it ushered a cooler air mass to close out the work week. High pressure will take control of our weather through the weekend, but another strong cold front could generate more showers and thunderstorms around here on Monday and Tuesday.

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