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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | Gradual warm up over the next few days and weather becomes unsettled for the second half of the week

Paul Dorian

The new work week will start off on the cool side, but the next few days will feature a noticeable warm up as high pressure builds into the area with high temperatures reaching or surpassing the 80 degree mark on a daily basis.  By Wednesday, a deep trough of low pressure will dig into the central US and a weak frontal system will approach the region.  During the latter part of the week, this meandering frontal system will raise prospects around here for showers and thunderstorms and that threat should last right into the weekend. 

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7:00 AM | *Strong storms possible this afternoon...severe storms possible tomorrow afternoon*

Paul Dorian

A frontal system will move southward as a cold front today and then a stronger system will arrive in the area late Saturday afternoon.  Showers and thunderstorms will become more numerous this afternoon and evening and then quite widespread on Saturday afternoon. Any storm later today or tonight can be on the strong side with gusty winds and brief heavy rainfall, and then Saturday afternoon will likely bring us the threat for some severe thunderstorm activity. On Sunday, the weather will calm down some and it’ll turn noticeably cooler.

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7:00 AM | Scattered showers and thunderstorms are likely later today, tonight and Friday...numerous thunderstorms are likely Saturday afternoon and some of those storms can be severe

Paul Dorian

A frontal system will move southward as a cold front early tomorrow and then a stronger system will arrive in the area late Saturday afternoon.  Showers and thunderstorms will be isolated this afternoon and evening, become more numerous on Friday, and then likely widespread by Saturday afternoon. Any storm later today, tonight or Friday can be on the strong side with gusty winds and brief heavy rainfall, and then Saturday afternoon will likely bring us the threat for some severe thunderstorm activity. By late in the weekend, the weather will calm down some and it’ll turn cooler.

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7:00 AM | Showers and thunderstorms possible later today...late week/weekend storm threat could bring severe weather to the region

Paul Dorian

A stalled out frontal system begins to move to the north today and it could generate more showers and thunderstorms for the region during the afternoon hours.  Behind the front, it’ll turn quite breezy and stay quite warm on Thursday and Friday and then the front will drop back into the region from the north and generate more showers and storms and some of those storms can be strong-to-severe. Noticeably cooler air follows the passage of the weekend frontal system for the Sunday time frame. 

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7:00 AM | Frontal boundary zone keeps us unsettled with multiple chances for showers/storms...storms could turn severe this weekend

Paul Dorian

A stalled out frontal boundary zone will meander around the Southeast US for the next few days and generate occasional showers and thunderstorms in the area. In addition to the daily threat for showers and storms, it looks like the warm weather will continue with highs generally at or above 80 degrees each afternoon. The best chance for potential severe thunderstorms activity over the next several days will come this weekend as a strong cold front approaches the region. 

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7:00 AM | Warm and unsettled this week with a daily threat for showers and thunderstorms

Paul Dorian

Unsettled weather greets us for the new work week and it stays very unsettled for much of the week.  A frontal boundary zone will meander around the Southeast US for the next several days and generate occasional showers and thunderstorms in the area. In addition to the daily threat for showers and storms, it looks like quite a warm week with highs generally at or above 80 degrees each afternoon. 

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7:00 AM | Increasing chance for showers and thunderstorms by late in the weekend and early next week

Paul Dorian

High pressure ridging in the upper atmosphere remains in control of our weather as the work week comes to an end and then it’ll tend to weaken and shift to our east during the upcoming weekend.  As a result, there will an increasing chance of showers and thunderstorms as the weekend progresses and it’ll get more humid to go along with our continuing warmer-than-normal conditions.  By Monday, a frontal system will approach and enhance the chance for showers in the region and there can be enough instability for some strong thunderstorm activity as well. 

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7:00 AM | Easter Sunday looking quite warm

Paul Dorian

High pressure will generally stay in control of our weather as we move towards the weekend and warm temperatures will persist.  In fact, highs are likely to rise into the 80’s on each of the next several days.  There will be a slight increase in the chance of showers and thunderstorms as we progress through the weekend and into the early part of next week.

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7:00 AM | Another day with highs near 80 degrees

Paul Dorian

With large high pressure along the east coast, today will be another nice and warm day across much of the Southeast US.  A weak frontal system approaches the area later today and it could spark a shower or thunderstorm each of the next few days as it stalls in the general vicinity, but it doesn’t look like there will be anything significant in terms of rainfall.

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