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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | More showers this morning, maybe a storm, turns cooler tonight...nicer weather for the second half of the week

Paul Dorian

A cold front will arrive this morning and the front may actually stall for a short time over the Tennessee Valley.  This stalling action will mean that showers and possible embedded storms will linger around here into late today, but then cooler air should arrive in the overnight hours.  High pressure will build into the region at mid-week following the passage of a secondary and reinforcing cold frontal system and this will lead to some pretty pleasant weather for the second half of the week.

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7:00 AM | First half of the week to include more showers and thunderstorms

Paul Dorian

Shower and thunderstorm activity will increase again today as an upper-level wave of energy shifts closer to the Tennessee Valley  Any storm that forms in this pattern can bring about some heavy rainfall for the region.  The threat for showers and storms will continue on Tuesday, but the second half of the week is looking relatively dry and warm following a frontal passage.

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7:00 AM | Daily threat of showers and thudnerstorms

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern is evolving into one that will bring us a daily threat of showers and thunderstorms in the Tennessee Valley over the next week or so.  High pressure ridging is locked in over the western Atlantic and this will allow for broad and consistent low-level southwesterly flow of air as over the next several days.  This kind of moist flow will help to generate a daily chance for showers and thunderstorms and the result will likely be soaking rainfall amounts over the next week to ten days.

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7:00 AM | Very warm with a daily threat of showers and thunderstorms

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern is evolving into one that will likely bring multiple chances of showers and thunderstorms to the Tennessee Valley over the next week or so.  High pressure ridging is developing over the western Atlantic and this will allow for broad southwesterly flow of air as we progress through the week.  This kind of moist flow will help to increase chances for showers and thunderstorms and the result could be quite decent rainfall amounts over the next week to ten days.

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7:00 AM | Daily threat of showers and thunderstorms

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern is evolving into one that will likely bring multiple chances of showers and thunderstorms to the Tennessee Valley over the next week or so.  High pressure ridging is developing over the western Atlantic and this will allow for broad southwesterly flow of air as we progress through the week.  This kind of moist flow will help to increase chances for showers and thunderstorms and the result could be decent rainfall amounts over the next week to ten days.

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7:00 AM | Unsettled pattern with a daily threat of showers and thunderstorms

Paul Dorian

A frontal system has stalled in the Tennessee Valley and its proximity will generate a daily chance of showers and thunderstorms.  Temperatures as we begin the new work week will be rather close to seasonal norms with highs later today in the low-to-mid 80’s.  Later this week, the frontal system will dissipate in our area, but the chance of showers and thunderstorms will likely continue.

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7:00 AM | Quieter pattern sets up for today...turns much warmer tomorrow and for the weekend, but unsettled

Paul Dorian

Strong upper-level low is pushing off to our northeast and the weather will turn out pretty nice across the Tennessee Valley with plenty of sunshine and pleasantly warm conditions.  It’ll become much warmer around here on Friday and the very warm weather will continue this weekend; however, the pattern becomes unsettled again with the chance for showers and thunderstorms on both days. 

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7:00 AM | Cooler today with showers and possibly a strong thunderstorm or two...much warmer again by the weekend, but the threat returns for showers and storms

Paul Dorian

Strong upper-level low will continue to impact the weather in the Tennessee Valley as it slowly pushes northeastward from the Southeast US.  The threat for showers and thunderstorms will continue today and tonight, but the temperatures will be noticeably cooler than recent days. Dry weather and warmer conditions are likely to return later this week; however, the weather pattern becomes unsettled again this weekend with the daily chance for showers and thunderstorms and some of those storms can be on the strong side.

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7:00 AM | Showers and thunderstorms threaten next couple of days

Paul Dorian

Low pressure rides along a frontal boundary zone from the Gulf region to the Northeast US over the next 12-24 hours and will likely produce more showers in the region later today and tonight along with possible thunderstorms. Another cold front passes through the Tennessee Valley on Wednesday night and this should pave the way for better weather during the second half of the week and it'll turn much warmer by the weekend.

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