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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | Very hot stretch of weather this week

Paul Dorian

This looks like the hottest week of the summer so far!  The upper part of the atmosphere will become drier than recent days and this will reduce the chance for PM showers and thunderstorms and also the likelihood of any prolonged cloudy spells.  As a result, temperatures should soar towards the middle 90's for highs on a daily basis this week across much of the interior Southeast US.

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7:00 AM | Good chance for more showers and storms

Paul Dorian

Upper-level ridging continues to be centered over the western Atlantic and will keep the Tennessee Valley in a moist flow of air.  A weakening cold front will approach the area later today and this will enhance our chances for rain for this afternoon and evening.

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7:00 AM | Same old, same, humid, chance of showers and storms

Paul Dorian

Upper-level ridging will be centered over the western Atlantic for the next few days and will keep this area in a moist flow of air for the rest of the week.  Several weak disturbances will rotate around the ridge and any one of these can set off a round of showers and thunderstorms.  Given the high moisture levels, any shower or storm that forms this week can produce some heavy rainfall in a short period of time.

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7:00 AM | Another rain-free day likely in northern Alabama...monitoring the tropics

Paul Dorian

Upper-level ridging will likely keep a cap on any shower and thunderstorm activity today across northern Alabama, but conditions will begin to change on Wednesday.  A more southerly flow of air will develop at mid-week and this will increase low-level moisture into our area raising the prospects for some shower and thunderstorm activity for the second half of the week. One final note, the tropics are looking more and more active and there may be a threat to monitor near the Gulf of Mexico by the weekend or sometime next week

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7:00 AM | 90+ degrees for afternoon highs during much of the week

Paul Dorian

Upper-level low pressure troughing over the eastern seaboard will weaken today and high pressure ridging will become established across the southern US.  As a result, temperatures are likely to consistently climb to 90+ degrees in the Tennessee Valley for afternoon highs for much of the week and the chances for showers and thunderstorms will remain somewhat limited during the next few days.

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7:00 AM | Showers and storms later today/tonight...some of the storms can be strong and some of the rain can be heavy

Paul Dorian

A strong upper-level shortwave will result in shower and thunderstorm activity today and tonight across the Tennessee Valley and some of the rain can be heavy at times.  The threat for showers and storms will continue on Friday as well, but diminish somewhat by Friday night. Temperatures over the next few days will climb to the upper 80’s for highs and the combination of the heat and humidity will make for quite uncomfortable conditions across northern Alabama.

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7:00 AM | Chance for strong storms as shortwave heads east

Paul Dorian

A strong upper-level shortwave will head east today from the Southern Plains and create an unstable atmosphere around here.  The result could be some shower and thunderstorm activity and any storm can produce heavy rainfall and some storms may reach strong-to-severe levels.  Temperatures for the next few days will climb towards the 90 degree mark for highs, but it’ll turn a bit cooler this weekend.

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7:00 AM | More typical summer weather this week with heat, humidity and threat for showers/storms

Paul Dorian

More typical summertime heat and humidity in the Tennessee Valley this week and we’ll experience unsettled conditions for the next several days with a daily threat for showers and thunderstorms.  Any shower or thunderstorm that forms during the next few days can produce heavy rainfall in a short period of time given the persistent high moisture levels.

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