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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | Decent start to the new work week

Paul Dorian

The Atlantic Basin tropical season is still alive and we’ll have to monitor “home-grown” systems that form over the Gulf of Mexico or Caribbean Sea as opposed to “African-wave” type tropical waves that trek across the Atlantic and are more common during summer months.  The weather map early this week is dominated by strong high pressure ridging across the Northeast US and a wave of low pressure across the northern Gulf of Mexico. 

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7:00 AM | Tropical wave to impact Florida next few days

Paul Dorian

An upper-level low over the Gulf of Mexico will help to spin off low pressure along the east coast of Florida over the next couple of days and this low pressure area may actually trend westward across northern Florida later this weekend as strong high pressure builds across the northeast part of the country. This same high pressure will edge into the Tennessee Valley over the weekend and produce a stretch of mostly dry weather with a slight warming trend going into next week.

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7:00 AM | Cooler weather pattern next several days

Paul Dorian

The passage of a cold front is ushering in cooler air for much of the eastern US and temperatures will actually become quite comfortable over the next few days in the Tennessee Valley.  High temperatures this weekend, for example, should generally hold in the 70’s around here…quite a contrast with the past few very warm days.

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7:00 AM | Noticeably cooler by the weekend

Paul Dorian

We’ll have another very warm day across northern Alabama, but there is relief on the way.  A strong cold front will usher in cooler air by the end of the week and the weekend is likely to feature pleasant conditions with highs generally in the 70’s on each day. 

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7:00 AM | Maria heads close to the Outer Banks and then makes a sharp right turn and goes out-to-sea

Paul Dorian

Hurricane Maria continues to move slowly in a general northward direction over the western Atlantic and it will impact the Outer Banks of North Carolina, but then an advancing cold front will push it out-to-sea once and for all.  Around here, our weather will stay very warm and dry over the next few days, but the cold front will usher in much cooler air by the weekend.

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7:00 AM | Turns much cooler at week's end

Paul Dorian

Hurricane Maria continues to move slowly in a general northward direction over the western Atlantic and it will become increasingly influenced by strong high pressure ridging to the north. This high pressure ridging could allow Maria to push west and possibly impact the Outer Banks of North Carolina, but then an advancing cold front will push it out-to-sea once and for all.  Around here, our weather will stay very warm and dry over the next few days.  A much cooler air mass will arrive at the end of the week.

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7:00 AM | Hurricane Maria slides to the east of the Bahamas

Paul Dorian

Hurricane Maria will slide to the east of the Bahama Island chain over the next couple of days and then turn northward in the western Atlantic.  There is likely to be some interaction between Maria and the remains of Jose spinning in the north Atlantic which will have an influence on the future path of Maria.  It is still too early to write off the possibility that Hurricane Maria will eventually have some kind of impact on the US east coast.

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7:00 AM | Hurricane Maria to slide east of the Bahama Island chain next couple days

Paul Dorian

Hurricane Maria continues to push away from Puerto Rico and will slide to the east of the Bahama Island chain over the next couple of days.  After that, there is likely to be some interaction between Maria and the remains of Jose which will have an influence on the future path of Maria.  It is still too early to write off the possibility that Hurricane Maria will eventually have some kind of impact on the US east coast. 

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7:00 AM | Major Hurricane Maria to strike Puerto Rico

Paul Dorian

Hurricane Maria is a “major” hurricane and is headed right for Puerto Rico with tremendous rain and wind.  After Maria strikes Puerto Rico, it is likely to turn to the north and slide east of the Bahamas.  Eventually, the remains of Jose are likely to prevent Maria from ever reaching the US coastline as it should provide an atmospheric “escape route” for Maria to go out-to-sea.

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7:00 AM | *Hurricane Maria headed towards Puerto Rico as a "major"*

Paul Dorian

Hurricane Maria is now a “major” hurricane and is headed right for the US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.  Maria will likely make landfall in Puerto Rico on Wednesday as a “major” hurricane and then slide just to the east of the Bahama Islands.  After that, Maria is likely to continue heading in the general direction of the Southeast US, but whether it ever actually reaches there is simply too soon to determine. 

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