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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | Unusual chill to start off the new week

Paul Dorian

An unusual cool air mass for this time of year penetrated into the Tennessee Valley over the weekend and it will gradually modify over the next few days so that by the second half of the week, temperatures will get back to the 70’s.  The chance for showers and thunderstorms will increase later this week as we turn slightly warmer.

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7:00 AM | Another chilly air mass headed our way

Paul Dorian

An unusual cool air mass for this time of year penetrated into the Tennessee Valley earlier this week and another is headed our way.  Temperatures will make a rebound to the low 70’s later today, but another cold front will push through the region and cause a sharp downturn in temperatures for tomorrow and Sunday. 

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7:00 AM | Another chilly air mass headed our way

Paul Dorian

An unusual cool air mass for this time of year will modify noticeably by tomorrow; however, another cool air mass will be charging towards the Tennessee Valley from the Upper Midwest.  This next cool shot will arrives this weekend likely to confine high temperatures to the 50’s for both weekend days.

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7:00 AM | *Quite a cool shot for the Tennessee Valley...another one arrives this weekend*

Paul Dorian

An unusual cool air mass for this time of year will make it all the way to the Gulf coast and today will be noticeably cooler than recent days.  Indeed, temperatures late tonight are likely to drop to near the 40 degree mark for overnight lows and this will not be the last of the cool air outbreaks. Yet another cool shot is destined to arrive here later this weekend and it could be even cooler than this current one.

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7:00 AM | *Much cooler-than-normal air mass headed our way...near 40 degrees for overnight lows*

Paul Dorian

A strong cold front has passed through the region and has ushered in much cooler-than-normal air for the Tennessee Valley.  Temperatures over the next few days will stay below normal and overnight lows should drop to near 40 degrees.  There will be some modification by the weekend, but another strong cold front will be headed this way from the Great Lakes region.

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7:00 AM | *Big time cool shot headed our way*

Paul Dorian

A strong cold front will dive to the southeast from the Upper Midwest over the next 24 hours and it’ll usher in much cooler-than-normal air for this time of year into the Deep South.  In fact, temperatures by mid-week will be well-below normal all across the Southeast US and temperatures here could bottom out near 40 degrees by early Wednesday and should be confined to the 60’s for highs for a couple of days.  Ahead of the front, there will be some residual showers today and maybe a thunderstorm or two. 

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7:00 AM | *Chilly air mass arrives in the Tennessee Valley by mid-week*

Paul Dorian

Strong high pressure will remain relatively stationary for the next couple of days near the Mid-Atlantic coastline and it will continue to influence our local weather though the weekend.  By early next week, however, attention will turn to a strong cold front which will be plunging our way from the Upper Midwest.  This front will likely generate a decent rainfall for the area early next week and then by mid-week, we’ll be very chilly for this time of year and it’ll stick around for a couple of days.

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7:00 AM | Next shot at rain doesn't come until late in the weekend

Paul Dorian

 Strong high pressure will remain relatively stationary for the next few days near the Mid-Atlantic region and it will continue to influence our local weather conditions.  From this position, this high pressure system will generate comfortable temperatures and generally rain-free conditions around here as we head into the upcoming weekend. A chilly air mass for this time of year will approach the region by the middle of next week and we’ll likely experience well-below normal temperature readings for a few days.

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