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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | Not a bad way to start the new work week

Paul Dorian

High pressure ridging will be in charge for much of the week and temperatures will start off on the cool side.  We’ll be watching the approach of another very strong cold front this weekend to see if this next Arctic outbreak will reach down into the Tennessee Valley…odds favor a noticeable cool down here.

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6:00 AM | Quite a bit cooler-than-normal here today, but not as bad as in areas to our north

Paul Dorian

Very strong and cold Canadian high pressure is heading towards the Mid-Atlantic region today and temperatures there will be way below-normal for this time of year.  While the core of this Arctic air outbreak will remain to our north, we’ll experience some chilly air in the Tennessee Valley and temperatures today should be about ten degrees below normal for this time of year.  There will be some modification in temperatures this weekend and we’ll get back to or slightly above the 60 degree mark for highs by early next week. 

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6:00 AM | Cold air blast heads towards the Northeast US and only sideswipes this part of the Tennessee Valley

Paul Dorian

Cold Canadian high pressure will head from the Northern Plains today to the NE US and it’ll push much colder-than-normal air into that part of the country, but only a portion of this air mass will filter into the Tennessee Valley.  As a result, while we turn cool to end of the week, it won’t be nearly as cold relative-to-normal as it’ll be to our north. 

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7:00 AM | Quite a bit cooler today with possible showers

Paul Dorian

A cold front passed through the region on Tuesday and the result will be much cooler weather for today in the Tennessee Valley.  Another frontal system will be dropping southeastward from the Great Lakes region over the next couple of days keeping it somewhat unsettled in this region. 

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7:00 AM | Low pressure forms along frontal boundary zone over Tennessee Valley

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will form along a stalled out cold frontal boundary zone today over the Tennessee Valley and head towards the Mid-Atlantic coastline.  As a result, showers are possible around here today and Wednesday and it’ll turn noticeably cooler at mid-week.  Another cold front will head our way later in the week and it’ll stay on the cool side as we approach the weekend. 

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7:00 AM | Warm and unsettled to start the new work week

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will form along a southeastward-moving cold frontal system over the next couple of days and then push off the Mid-Atlantic coastline at mid-week.  This system combined with a frontal passage will generate showers and thunderstorms in the Tennessee Valley from today into mid-week.  Another cold front will slide through latter in the week and we’ll turn cool heading into the weekend.

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7:00 AM | Strong wave brings good shot today at showers and thunderstorms

Paul Dorian

An unsettled weather pattern is shaping up for the Tennessee Valley that will lead to multiple chances for showers and thunderstorms over coming days.  An upper-level wave will pass nearby today increasing our chances for some rain and some of the rain can be moderate-to-heavy at times. Temperatures will be consistently at warmer-than-normal levels going into early next week as the normal high is now 69 degrees and we’ll generally reach well into the 70’s for afternoon highs. 

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7:00 AM | An unsettled pattern next few days with multiple chances for showers and storms

Paul Dorian

An unsettled weather pattern is shaping up for the Tennessee Valley that will lead to multiple chances for showers and thunderstorms over coming days.  An upper-level wave will pass nearby today increasing our chances for some rain and then another one will approach on Friday.  The wave coming on Friday will be the stronger one of these next two and there can even be some moderate-to-heavy showers to close out the work week

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7:00 AM | Still on the cool side

Paul Dorian

Halloween looks to be rain-free in the Tennessee Valley, but on the cool side with highs near the 60 degree mark.  Moisture will begin to head our way at mid-week and will have an increasing chance for showers and thunderstorms later in the week as it turns warmer.

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