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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | A cold, but dry start to the week

Paul Dorian

The work week will remain on the cold side, but milder weather is headed our way for the upcoming weekend.  A frontal system could generate some snow in the area later tomorrow and it will usher in a reinforcing cold shot for the second half of the work week.  High pressure takes control late in the week and once it pushes to our east, it’ll turn noticeably milder in the Tennessee Valley.

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7:00 AM | **Major drop in temperatures will result in a wintry mix later today and perhaps some snow tonight**

Paul Dorian

A major change is in store for the Tennessee Valley as we end the work week and begin the weekend.  Much colder air pushes into the Tennessee Valley today and the result will be a changeover of rain to sleet and freezing rain and ultimately to snow later tonight. Temperatures will slowly drop through the 30’s during the afternoon hours and the changeover will occur from west-to-east.

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7:00 AM | *Colder air pours back into the region by the weekend...rain could end as snow early Saturday*

Paul Dorian

It’ll stay mild today ahead of a strong cold frontal system, but showers are likely and there may even be a thunderstorm.  This milder break will end by the weekend as colder air will flood the Tennessee Valley as strong low pressure pushes to our north along the frontal boundary zone.  As the colder rushes in tomorrow night, there can be a changeover from rain-to-snow in parts of the region and then highs on both weekend days will do no better than the lower 30’s.

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7:00 AM | Mild, but wet next few days...much colder again by the weekend

Paul Dorian

It’ll finally turn noticeably milder today with temperatures climbing to the 60 degree mark as surface high pressure pushes to the east of here.  This warm up will continue through the work week, but it will be accompanied by occasional rain.  A strong cold front will push through the region by early in the weekend and temperatures on both Saturday and Sunday will be noticeably lower once again in the Tennessee Valley with highs not far from 30 degrees on each day.

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7:00 AM | Temperatures today should make it to the mid 50's

Paul Dorian

It’ll finally turn noticeably milder today with temperatures climbing well into the 50’s as surface high pressure pushes to the east of here.  This warm up will continue into the late week time period, but it will be accompanied by occasional rain showers.  A strong cold front will push through the region early in the weekend and by Sunday it’ll be quite cold again in the Tennessee Valley with highs confined to the 30’s.

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6:00 AM | *Yet another very cold air mass for the eastern US*

Paul Dorian

A powerful storm that pushed northward over the western Atlantic Ocean on Thursday has ushered in another Arctic cold air mass and it’ll stay well below normal for the next couple of days across the Tennessee Valley.  There will be moderation in temperatures later this weekend and early next week, but the “warm up” may be accompanied by some shower activity.

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6:00 AM | *Powerful Atlantic storm heads north and pulls in more very cold air for the eastern US*

Paul Dorian

A powerful storm over the western Atlantic Ocean is intensifying rapidly on its way to the east of Maine by early tonight.  This storm will reach hurricane-like strength by tonight with its central pressure bottoming out at category 3 (major) hurricane levels.  Extremely cold air will pour into the eastern US on the heels of this ocean storm and we’ll see temperatures bottom out not far from 10 degrees during the next couple of overnights. 

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6:00 AM | **Very cold pattern to bring fresh round of frigid air to the region with overnight lows near 10 degrees possible later this week**

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will form just to the east of Florida today and it will intensify rapidly over the next 36 hours so that by the time it reaches the waters east of Maine, it’ll have hurricane-like strength and winds. After a chilly day here today, it’ll turn even colder on Thursday and lows by early Friday could be close to the 10 degree mark in much of the Tennessee Valley region. This kind of chill will continue on Friday as well and temperatures won’t moderate until early next week at which there can be some rainfall arriving along with the temporary “warmup”.  

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6:00 AM | *Cold pattern continues for the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

A storm will form off of the east coast of Florida on Wednesday and it’ll become a monster by the time it reaches the area east of Maine on Thursday night.  With this expected track, the Tennessee Valley should stay dry for the next few days – but continued cold.  Following this storm, more extreme cold will move into the eastern US for Thursday night, Friday and Saturday and there will be even lower wind chill values as winds will pick up.  Looking ahead, some moderation in temperatures is likely to finally arrive in the eastern US during next week. 

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