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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | Cooler, drier air on the way to the Tennessee Valley, but lots of rain to deal with first

Paul Dorian

The next couple of days will be quite unsettled in the Tennessee Valley with occasional showers and thunderstorms likely as strong low pressure pulls out of the central states and heads towards the Great Lakes region.  Some of the rain can be heavy at times over the next 36 hours and some areas will receive as much as an inch and a half of rain before a cold frontal passage takes place on Thursday night.  The passage of the frontal system will usher in cooler and dry weather at the end of the work week and the much improved weather conditions should continue through the weekend. 

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7:00 AM | Unsettled next few down coming for the upcoming weekend

Paul Dorian

It gets unsettled in northern Alabama later tonight and the threat for showers and thunderstorms will last until later in the week and some of the rain can be heavy at times.  A strong storm will pull out of the Central Plains over the next couple of days and head towards the Great Lakes sending some rain in our direction.  At the end of the work week, a cold front will slide through the region and we’ll turn noticeably cooler by the weekend and rain-free conditions are expected for Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

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7:00 AM | Quite unsettled for the second half of the week

Paul Dorian

The work week will start with a frontal system nearby and there can be a few showers this morning, but much of the afternoon should be rain-free.  High pressure will then build into the region tonight and Tuesday and we’ll be dry and chilly tonight, but quite mild tomorrow afternoon.  It gets unsettled later this week as a strong storm pulls out of the Plains and heads towards the Great Lakes region sending some rain in our direction. 

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7:00 AM | An 80 degree day to end the work week

Paul Dorian

The work week will end on a warm and dry note with afternoon highs not far from the 80 degree mark in northern Alabama.  A wave of low pressure will approach later tonight and generate a good chance of showers as we begin the weekend, maybe a thunderstorm or two.  It’ll stay unsettled early next week with additional waves likely impacting the region with the chance for showers in the Tennessee Valley.

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7:00 AM | *We'll stay quite warm today and there is the threat for strong-to-severe thunderstorms across northern Alabama*

Paul Dorian

It’ll stay quite warm over the next several days as a cool shot of air will stay primarily to our north.  Highs today and on Friday should be in the upper 70’s, but there will also be a shot at showers and thunderstorms in the Tennessee Valley and some of the storms can reach strong-to-severe levels.  It’ll stay unsettled this weekend and turn slightly cooler, but still quite acceptable for this time of year.

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7:00 AM | Unseasonably warm pattern continues, but it will be wet at times with showers and possible thunderstorms

Paul Dorian

An unseasonably warm air mass for this time of year will continue to impact our region for much of the week.  Temperatures over the next few afternoons will reach the upper 70’s and even after a cool frontal passage they’ll remain quite mild this weekend.  Showers are possible each day over the next several days – perhaps even a few thunderstorms – as multiple waves of energy will pass nearby. 

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7:00 AM | Mild early today, but colder air moves in during the PM hours as winds pick up

Paul Dorian

It continues to be somewhat unsettled in the Tennessee Valley with a frontal system stalling to our south by later tonight and early Saturday.  There can be a few showers in the area through Saturday with this meandering frontal system.  High pressure should then take control on Sunday and we’ll end the weekend on a nice note with mainly sunny skies and comfortable temperatures.

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6:00 AM | Warm and unsettled pattern continues

Paul Dorian

It’ll continue to unsettled in the Tennessee Valley over the next few days with plenty of moisture riding northward into this region from the Gulf of Mexico. With the increase in moisture, showers will be possible on a daily basis until the latter part of the weekend, and temperatures will stay above-normal right into the weekend.  It turns briefly cooler later this weekend, but more warm weather is likely by the early and middle parts of next week.

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6:00 AM | Warm pattern continues, but unsettled as well with multiple shots at showers

Paul Dorian

It’ll be quite unsettled in the Tennessee Valley over the next few days with plenty of moisture riding northward into this region from the Gulf of Mexico.  With the increase in moisture, showers will be possible on a daily basis, but temperatures will stay above-normal for much of the remainder of the work week.  It turns briefly cooler this weekend, but more mild conditions are likely by the early part of next week.

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