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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Significant rain threat continues and there can be some severe thunderstorm activity**

Paul Dorian

Showers and thunderstorms are likely again today as a cold front approaches the region and some of the rain can be heavy at times.  A trough of low pressure from the middle of the country will head in our direction and produce this instability in the region, but it will be quite mild as well. The good news is that improvement should take place on Friday and the weekend will certainly start off on a nice note, but showers could return for Sunday and Monday.

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7:00 AM | **Significant rain threat next couple days**

Paul Dorian

The next couple days will be very unsettled around here as a cold front slowly approaches the region and there will be occasional showers and thunderstorms. Some of the rain can be heavy at times from later today into tomorrow night and flash flooding may even become a concern.  A trough of low pressure from the middle of the country will head in our direction and produce this instability in the region, but it will be quite mild as well. The good news is that improvement should take place in time for the upcoming weekend with cooler and drier conditions likely for the Tennessee Valley.

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7:00 AM | Threat for significant rain later this week

Paul Dorian

The next few days will be unsettled with multiple chances for showers, maybe a thunderstorm or two, but it also will turn quite mild.  A trough of low pressure from the middle of the country will head in our direction and produce instability in the region and there is the chance for a prolonged rain event later in the week.  The good news is that improvement should take place for the upcoming weekend with cooler and drier conditions likely for the Tennessee Valley.

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7:00 AM | Breezy and mild to start the week with a shower threat

Paul Dorian

The week will start on a mild and unsettled note with a boundary zone nearby that can help to generate some shower activity and breezy conditions in the Tennessee Valley.  Upper-level ridging will move overhead on Tuesday and Wednesday and this will result in a warm up for the area and the 70+ degrees are likely during the mid and latter parts of the week.

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7:00 AM | Mild, but unsettled weekend in the Tennessee Valley

Paul Dorian

Surface high pressure pushes to the east today and winds will turn to a southerly direction.  As a result, temperatures and moisture levels will climb when compared to recent days.  As low pressure skirts by the area tonight, some showers will form in the Tennessee Valley.  The threat for showers will continue each day this weekend and there can be a thunderstorm or two mixed into the picture.

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7:00 AM | Warmer air is on the way

Paul Dorian

It stays on the chilly side today, but warmer air is on the way.  After temperatures struggle to escape the 50’s today for highs this afternoon, they’ll climb into the 60’s tomorrow and then 70 degrees for the weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Much cooler today and rain/snow showers threaten late tonight*

Paul Dorian

The week started off on a very volatile note and with the passage of a strong cold front, much cooler air will return to the area today.  In fact, temperatures tonight are likely to drop all the way down to the lower 30’s and there can be some rain or snow shower activity in the overnight hours.  It stays on the chilly side into late week, but by the weekend, temperatures should bounce back to the 70 degree mark for highs.

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7:00 AM | ****Enhanced threat for severe weather later today****

Paul Dorian

The week will start off on an volatile note with the chance for some severe thunderstorm activity in the Tennessee Valley.  A strong shortwave of energy will push from the middle in the country into this area and surface low pressure will form over Tennessee.  A warm front pushed through the area earlier today and southerly winds will pump in warmer, moist air and this air mass will combination with the upper-level energy to generate some storms later today and some can be on the strong-to-severe side. 

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