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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Heavy rain and severe weather threat on Saturday*

Paul Dorian

A broad trough of low pressure is pushing to the east across the middle of the country and southerly flow ahead of it here will boost temperatures into the 70’s for highs today and tomorrow.  As that trough shifts to the Tennessee Valley early this weekend, the possibility of a heavy rain event here will increase and there may be a widespread severe weather outbreak as well in much of the south-central US.  Much cooler weather will return early next week and this transition from the late week warmth to next week’s colder air will not come quietly.

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7:00 AM | Big warm up with upper 70's likely on Thursday and Friday...showers/storms on Saturday...some of the rain can be heavy and some of the storms can be strong-to-severe

Paul Dorian

A broad trough of low pressure is pushing to the east across the middle of the country and southerly flow ahead of it here will boost temperatures into the 70’s for highs on Thursday and Friday.  As that trough shifts to the Tennessee Valley early this weekend, the possibility of a heavy rain event will increase and there may be a widespread severe weather outbreak as well in much of the south-central US.  Much cooler weather will return early next week and this transition from the late week warmth to next week’s colder air will not come quietly. 

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7:00 AM | **Potential widespread severe weather outbreak and heavy rain event by the weekend as cold air pushes east to replace late week surge of warm air**

Paul Dorian

A broad trough of low pressure will form over the Rockies during the next couple of days and southerly flow ahead of it here will boost temperatures into the 70’s for highs on Thursday and Friday.  As that trough shifts to the Tennessee Valley early this weekend, the possibility of a heavy rain event will increase and there may be a widespread severe weather outbreak as well in much of the south-central US.  Much cooler weather will return early next week and this transition from the late week warmth to next week’s colder air will not come quietly.

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7:00 AM | There is warm weather coming later this week...possible weekend heavy rain event

Paul Dorian

Another cold front is headed to the Tennessee Valley and it’s passage will keep us on the cool side during the next couple of days; however, noticeably warmer weather is on the way.  A broad trough will form over the Rockies later in the week and southerly flow ahead of it in our region will boost temperatures here into the 70’s on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  As that trough moves east at the end of the week, it could result in a heavy rain event around here this weekend.  

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7:00 Am | Another well below-normal air mass headed our way and temperatures late tomorrow night drop to near 30 degrees

Paul Dorian

Another cold front is headed to the Tennessee Valley and it could spark shower and thunderstorm activity as temperatures climb well into the 60’s.  Following the frontal passage, it’ll turn much cooler to begin the weekend and low temperatures by early Sunday will likely not be far from the 30 degree mark (well below-normal for this time of year).

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7:00 AM | *Much cooler today and widespread frost possible late tonight*

Paul Dorian

Following the passage of a strong cold front, temperatures will be much cooler today compared to Tuesday and there can be a widespread frost late night as temperatures plunge to the freezing mark.  Tomorrow will start off quite cold, but sunshine will boost afternoon temperatures back into the 60’s and it’ll stay mild on Thursday ahead of the next cold frontal system.  This next cold front will usher in colder air to end the work week.

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7:00 AM | A strong cold front passes through the region in the overnight hours

Paul Dorian

A strong cold front will cross the region in the overnight hours and we’ll be quite warm ahead of it with afternoon highs likely reaching the upper 70’s.  On Tuesday, it’ll turn noticeably cooler and then temperatures will plunge tomorrow night through the 30’s and late night frost is likely in many spots. High pressure will control the weather at mid-week and plenty of sunshine can be expected and temperatures will trend upward again.

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7:00 AM | Warm and unsettled next couple days with an increasing chance of showers and thunderstorms

Paul Dorian

 An upper-level trough of low pressure will become more organized by tomorrow and begin to approach the Tennessee Valley from the Rockies.  As a result, our weather will deteriorate and increasing instability will lead to an increased chance for showers and thunderstorms into mid-week. It’ll turn cooler on Wednesday following the passage of a strong cold frontal system.

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7:00 AM | Much improvement as we head into the weekend

Paul Dorian

A cold frontal system has passed through the region and today should feature gradual clearing with relatively mild temperatures in store for the Tennessee Valley.  High pressure will build into the region and the weekend should start off on a nice note.  However, the second half of the weekend and early part of next week will become more unsettled as another front approaches and there will be a daily chance of showers.

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