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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | A round of rain today...maybe a thunderstorm or two...major warm up coming to the eastern US next week

Paul Dorian

A fast-moving low pressure system will head across the southern Plains and towards our region and this will generate periods of rain and maybe a thunderstorm or two. High pressure will build into the region by tomorrow and it should pave the way for a nice weekend across the Tennessee Valley. Looking ahead to next week, a major warm up will ensue in the eastern US as high pressure ridging replaces the current persistent upper-level trough that has kept a lid on temperatures in much of the region.

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7:00 AM | Weekend shaping up to be pretty nice

Paul Dorian

Low pressure is pushing slowly away from the Mid-Atlantic region today and there will be enough residual moisture in the area to keep skies mostly cloudy across the Tennessee Valley. Another low pressure system will form quickly later today across the southern Plains and it will raise the chances for showers around by later today and for the day on Thursday. High pressure will build into the region at the end of the week and likely pave the way for a nice weekend.

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7:00 AM | Still somewhat unsettled across the Tennessee Valley

Paul Dorian

Low pressure is pushing towards the Mid-Atlantic coastline from the Gulf region and there will be enough moisture in the area to keep alive the threat of showers in the area. By Wednesday, as the low pushes farther away from the Tennessee Valley, our chances for showers will diminish and temperatures will stay rather mild with highs near 70 degrees for much of the remainder of the week.

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7:00 AM | Still unsettled with the threat for showers and storms

Paul Dorian

An unsettled pattern greets the new week in the Tennessee Valley as an upper-level low slowly slides across the Gulf states. This system will continue our chances for showers and thunderstorms for the next couple of days. A cold front may continue the threat for showers at mid-week, but its passage should usher in some drier air for the latter part of the week.

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7:00 AM | Nice next couple of days, but unsettled weather arrives later this weekend and continues into next week

Paul Dorian

Today and Saturday will be quite nice with plenty of sunshine each day and comfortable temperatures.  However, the weather will deteriorate by Sunday as an upper-level low slides across the southern states. This system will decelerate as it reaches the Southeast US and the result around here will be an extended period of unsettled weather and a daily shot at showers and thunderstorms.

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7:00 AM | Another very chilly air mass for this time of year following latest frontal passage

Paul Dorian

A strong cold front slid through the region last night and temperatures should turn out some 10-15 degrees cooler this afternoon compared to yesterday’s highs. The weekend will stay on the cool side and should be rain-free across much of the Tennessee Valley on Saturday, but showers threaten for Sunday. Moisture will continues to increase in the area early next week and the chance for rain will continue on Monday and Tuesday.

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7:00 AM | It turns warmer today just ahead of the next cold front

Paul Dorian

It will warm up noticeably today ahead of the next cold front and afternoon temperatures could reach the upper 70’s for highs.  The front should actually slide through the region this evening and temperatures should turn out some 10-15 degrees cooler tomorrow afternoon compared to today. There will not be a lot of moisture available to this system; consequently, any showers that form with the frontal passage will be scattered and on the light side.

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7:00 AM | Much colder air follows the heavy rain event

Paul Dorian

Much cooler air pushed into the Tennessee Valley on Sunday and the new work week will start off on the cool side of normal.  Temperatures this afternoon will do no better than 50 degrees for highs which is well below-normal for mid-April. It will warm up noticeably on Tuesday with temperatures likely to rise past the 70 degree mark and it should stay rather pleasant during the mid and late week time periods.

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7:00 AM | *Heavy rain and severe weather threat on Saturday*

Paul Dorian

 A broad trough of low pressure will reach the Tennessee Valley by the weekend and that combined with a west-to-east moving strong cold front will likely produce heavy rain in our area and the chance for strong-to-severe thunderstorm activity.  The rain can begin late tonight and continue into the day on Saturday, but the most likely time period for any severe weather would come on Saturday afternoon.  Much cooler weather will return on Sunday and this transition from the late week warmth to next week’s cool down will not come quietly. 

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