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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | Shower threat by early tonight as cool front approaches

Vencore Weather

A cold front will close in on the Tennessee Valley late today and it will raise the chances here for PM showers and thunderstorms and some of the storms can be on the strong side. While the front does push south and east of here on Friday, another (warm) frontal system will push northward this weekend and continue our chances for showers and thunderstorms. Once that warm front passes through the local region, summer-like weather will return with temperatures soaring to 90+ degrees on both Saturday and Sunday.

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7:00 AM | Very warm and unsettled pattern unfolding

Paul Dorian

A trough of low pressure develops over the Upper Midwest today and it’ll drag a frontal boundary zone into our area which could result in some shower and thunderstorm activity by early tonight. Another disturbance will enhance our chances for rain on Thursday and Friday. Temperatures during the latter part of the week will soar to quite high levels for early May way up in the 80’s and even the 90’s are possible this weekend.

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7:00 AM | Nice today, but unsettled weather returns by tomorrow night and Thursday

Paul Dorian

Today looks like a quiet day in the Tennessee Valley, but the weather becomes more unsettled at mid-week. Another trough develops over the Upper Midwest on Wednesday and it’ll drag a frontal boundary zone into our area which could result in some shower and thunderstorm activity by tomorrow night. Another disturbance will enhance our chances for rain on Thursday and temperatures during the second half of the week will soar to quite high levels for early May way up in the 80’s.

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7:00 AM | Pushing 80 degrees to start the new work week

Paul Dorian

High pressure has become established in the region, but several weak disturbances will keep us somewhat unsettled around here during the next few days. Later in the week, an upper-level trough will move east across the Plains states and this system will keep us unsettled for much of the second half of the week.

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7:00 AM | An unsettled Saturday coming with showers and thunderstorms likely

Paul Dorian

Another very warm day is in store across the Tennessee Valley as high pressure over the western Atlantic continues to funnel into the local region very warm air from the Deep South. An upper-level trough of low pressure will arrive on Saturday and this will raise chances for showers and thunderstorms as a cold front moves through the area. While there can be some brief heavy rain associated with this system, the chances for severe weather are quite minimal. Following the frontal passage, the second half of the weekend is likely to be quieter with comfortably warm conditions along with copious amounts of sunshine.

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7:00 AM | High-pressure ridging dominates all levels of the atmosphere

Paul Dorian

Strong high pressure is located over the waters of the western Atlantic Ocean and this positioning will continue a very warm influx of air into the Tennessee Valley for the remainder of the work week. Temperatures over the next couple of days should climb well into the 80’s for highs with a mix of sun and clouds on each day. The upper-level ridge of high pressure will begin to weaken some late in the week and the chance for scattered showers and thunderstorms will be on the rise as we head into the weekend.

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7:00 AM | Strong high pressure over the western Atlantic continues to pump warm air into the Tennessee Valley

Paul Dorian

Strong high pressure is located over the waters of the western Atlantic Ocean and this positioning will continue a warm influx of air into the Tennessee Valley for the remainder of the week. Temperatures over the next few days should climb well into the 80’s for highs with a mix of sun and clouds on each day. The upper-level ridge of high pressure will begin to weaken some late in the week and the chance for scattered showers and thunderstorms will be on the rise. Elsewhere, it has been a slow tornado season so far this year across the central and southern Plains, but there could be an outbreak of severe weather later today as a clash develops in that part of the country between warm, humid advancing northward from the Gulf of Mexico air and cold air sliding eastward across the southwestern US.

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7:00 AM | Severe weather threat increases tomorrow in the central Plains, but it should not translate to the Tennessee Valley later in the week

Paul Dorian

A major warm up will really get cranking today across the Tennessee Valley as high pressure builds into the eastern US at all levels of the atmosphere. Temperatures over the next few days should climb well into the 80’s for highs with Thursday afternoon perhaps featuring the peak of this warm spell not far from the 90 degree mark in some spots. A cool front could spark a round of showers and thunderstorms at the end of the work week and it’ll turn a bit cooler this weekend following the frontal passage. Elsewhere, it has been a slow tornado season so far this year across the central Plains, but there could be an outbreak of severe weather on Wednesday as a clash develops in that part of the country between warm, humid advancing northward from the Gulf of Mexico air and cold air sliding eastward across the southwestern US.

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7:00 AM | Major warm up begins early next week

Paul Dorian

High pressure will build into the region today and it should pave the way for a nice weekend across the Tennessee Valley. Looking ahead to next week, a major warm up will ensue in the eastern US as high pressure ridging replaces the current persistent upper-level trough that has kept a lid on temperatures in much of the region. Temperatures here should climb well into the 70’s on Monday and then 80+ degree highs are likely for much of the remainder of next week.

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