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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Deep tropical moisture remains entrenched in the eastern US*

Paul Dorian

Tropical moisture continues to ride northward from the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico and it is now firmly entrenched in the eastern third of the nation. Multiple disturbances in the upper atmosphere will drop southeastward from the Great Lakes region over the next few days and tap into this abundant moisture and the result is likely to be additional shower and thunderstorm activity right through the upcoming weekend.

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7:00 AM | **Flash flooding potential as sub-tropical (Alberto) system moves slowly over Alabama**

Paul Dorian

The remains of Tropical Storm Alberto will move slowly over Alabama today and this will bring lots of tropical moisture into the region. As a result, there could be 1-3 inches of rainfall in the Tennessee Valley over the next 24 hours and this raises the prospects for flash flooding. The pattern remains quite unsettled later in the week as well with additional rounds of rain likely adding to the potential for flash flooding.

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7:00 AM | Keeping an eye on the tropics

Paul Dorian

The normal high temperature in Huntsville for this time of year is right around the 82 degree mark and we’ll generally be warmer-than-normal than that during this week. Large high pressure will be building westward from the western Atlantic over the next few days and contribute to our very warm conditions. There are strong signs that the tropics will get active by this weekend and there could be a system headed towards Florida or the eastern Gulf of Mexico. The “official” start to the Atlantic Basin tropical season is June 1st.

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7:00 AM | A continuation of very warm and unsettled weather conditions around here

Paul Dorian

A slow-moving sub-tropical low is continuing to pump plenty of moisture into much of the eastern third of the nation and our daily threat of showers and thunderstorms will continue into the weekend. The same southerly flow of air that is pushing moisture northward will keep us quite warm over the next several days with highs generally reaching the mid-to-upper 80’s on a daily basis.

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7:00 AM | Very warm and unsettled pattern continues

Paul Dorian

A slow-moving sub-tropical low is continuing to pump plenty of moisture into much of the eastern third of the nation and our daily threat of showers and thunderstorms will continue into the weekend. The same southerly flow of air that is pushing moisture northward will keep us quite warm over the next several days with highs generally reaching the upper 80’s on a daily basis.

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7:00 AM | *Tropical moisture to remain in place for the next several days and keep us on the wet side*

Paul Dorian

A slow-moving sub-tropical low will drift close enough to us over the next 24 hours or so to increase our chances for showers and thunderstorms today, tonight and tomorrow. In fact, the overall weather pattern is evolving into one that can produce significant rainfall in much of the Tennessee Valley during rest of this week and well into next week as abundant tropical moisture continues to flow northward from the Gulf of Mexico.

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7:00 AM *Tropical moisture advancing northward from the Gulf of Mexico*

Paul Dorian

Summer-like weather will continue here today in the Tennessee Valley with afternoon temperatures climbing to the 90 degree mark for highs. A slow-moving cutoff low will drift close to us over the next 24 hours or so and this will enhance our chances for showers and thunderstorms later today, tonight and tomorrow. In fact, the overall weather pattern is evolving into one that can produce significant rainfall in much of the Tennessee Valley during the second half of this week and right into the early part of next week as abundant tropical moisture flows northward from the Gulf of Mexico.

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7:00 AM | *Heavy rain threat from mid-week on as tropical moisture pushes our way*

Paul Dorian

Summer-like weather will start the week in the Tennessee Valley with afternoon temperatures climbing into the 90’s for highs. A slow-moving cutoff low will drift close to us over the next 24 hours or so and this will enhance our chances for showers and thunderstorms. In fact, the overall weather pattern is evolving into one that can produce significant rainfall in much of the Tennessee Valley during the second half of this week and over the next couple of weeks as abundant tropical moisture becomes a major player.

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7:00 AM | Summer-like temperatures next several days with 90+ degrees likely for highs

Paul Dorian

Summer-like weather will return to northern Alabama over the next several days with temperatures likely soaring to 90+ degrees for highs on a daily basis. It should be relatively rain-free around here as we close out the work week and progress through the weekend, but tropical-like humidity will increase early next week and this will lead to an increasing chance for showers and storms.

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