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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | Hot pattern starts tomorrow and continues into early next week with highs well up in the 90's

Paul Dorian

High pressure ridging over the southern Plains will amplify as it builds to the east and this will result in a stretch of hot weather for the Tennessee Valley. Temperatures this afternoon will reach the 90 degree mark for highs and then should climb well into the 90’s on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. In fact, the hot weather is likely to continue right into the early part of next week with a daily chance of scattered showers and thunderstorms.

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7:00 AM | Hot stretch of weather arrives later this week

Paul Dorian

Relatively weak high pressure ridging will be anchored over the southern Plains for the next day or so and it’ll maintain a NW flow of air around here in the upper part of the atmosphere. With this flow aloft, multiple disturbances will ride in our direction and each can produce a round of showers and thunderstorms. High pressure ridging over the southwestern part of the country will then build eastward into the Tennessee Valley later this week, and this will likely lead to quite hot conditions with highs well in the 90’s by Friday and for this weekend.

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7:00 AM | Hot weather to return by the end of the week with highs likely well into the 90's

Paul Dorian

Relatively weak high pressure ridging will be anchored over the southern Plains for the next day or so and it’ll maintain a NW flow of air around here in the upper part of the atmosphere. With this flow aloft, multiple disturbances will ride in our direction and each can produce a round of showers and thunderstorms. High pressure ridging over the southwestern part of the country will then build eastward into the Tennessee Valley later this week, and this will likely lead to hot conditions with highs in the 90’s by Friday and Saturday.

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7:00 AM | Near 90 degrees next few days, but it turns even hotter at the end of the week

Paul Dorian

High pressure ridging over the southwestern part of the country should keep a west-to-northwest flow in place across the region in the upper parts of the atmosphere, but southwesterly flow near the surface will bring increasingly moist air into the region. As a result, we’ll stay quite warm over the next few days and there will be a daily shot at showers and thunderstorms. By the end of the week, it’ll turn quite hot across the Tennessee Valley and high temperatures in the 90’s are quite likely by Friday afternoon and Saturday.

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7:00 AM | Another hot day with highs in the 90's then more conventional warmth for the weekend with highs near 90

Paul Dorian

High pressure ridging will keep the weather rain-free around here for another day, but it’ll be quite hot once again with high temperatures likely reaching the low-to-mid 90’s this afternoon. By tomorrow, the ridge will begin to break down and it’ll become more unsettled with an increasing shot at showers and thunderstorms later tomorrow and Sunday and even into the early part of next week. Temperatures after today's heat will generally climb to around the 90 degree mark for afternoon highs this weekend and during the early part of next week.

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7:00 AM | Hot for the next couple of days, but rain-free

Paul Dorian

High pressure ridging will keep the weather rain-free around here for the next couple of days, but it’ll be hot with high temperatures likely at or slightly above the 90 degree mark today and Friday. By the weekend, the ridge will begin to break down and it’ll become more unsettled with an increasing shot at showers and thunderstorms on both weekend days. This unsettled weather is likely to continue early next week and highs will generally climb towards the 90 degree mark.

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7:00 AM | Persistent 90 degree highs next several days

Paul Dorian

High pressure ridging will keep the weather quite decent around here for the next few days with plenty of sunshine and very warm conditions. Later this week, the ridge will begin to break down and it’ll become more unsettled as we head towards the weekend. High temperatures each of the next few days will reach the 90 degree mark and no relief in the warmth is likely until early next week.

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7:00 AM | Still comfortably warm today, but it gets hot later this week

Paul Dorian

High pressure ridging will keep the weather quite decent around here for the next couple of days with plenty of sunshine and warm conditions. Later this week, the ridge will begin to break down and it’ll become more unsettled as we head towards the weekend. In addition, temperatures will tend to increase later this week and 90 degree highs are quite likely on multiple occasions.

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7:00 AM | Comfortably warm to start the new week

Paul Dorian

Strong high pressure ridging in the center part of the nation will keep us in NW flow at all levels of the atmosphere as we begin the new week and temperatures will stay close-to-normal into mid-week. In addition, overall humidity levels will drop to comfortable levels – much different than the tropical moisture that we experienced much of last week. Later in the week, we’ll approach the 90 degree mark for afternoon highs and the threat for showers may return as we begin the weekend

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7:00 AM | *Deep tropical moisture still entrenched in much of the eastern US*

Paul Dorian

Tropical moisture continues to remain entrenched in much of the eastern US and it’ll result in more unsettled weather around here for the next few days. Multiple disturbances in the upper atmosphere will drop southeastward from the Great Lakes region and tap into this abundant moisture and the result is likely to be additional shower and thunderstorm activity right through the upcoming weekend.

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