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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Uncomfortably hot and humid weather continues well into next week*

Paul Dorian

High pressure ridging will build into the Northeast US over the next few days and this will continue the pattern around here of very warm and humid conditions along with the threat of scattered showers and thunderstorms. In addition, the overall pattern of strong high pressure to the north this time of year opens the door for westward-moving tropical systems to head towards the Bahamas, Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. We’ll monitor this possibility for signs of tropical activity during the first week of July.

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7:00 AM | 90+ degrees for highs over the next several days as Bermuda High rules

Paul Dorian

A surface high pressure system off the northeastern US coastline will get absorbed by a large-scale Bermuda High-type high pressure system. As a result, western Atlantic high pressure will remain in control around here during the second half of the week and for the upcoming weekend. Low-level moisture will be supportive enough for the formation of afternoon and evening scattered showers and thunderstorms and temperatures will consistently reach into the lower 90’s for highs over the next several days.

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7:00 AM | *"Bermuda high" pattern setting up for the eastern US*

Paul Dorian

A strong surface high pressure system over the Northeast US will shift to a position off the east coast by later today and ultimately get absorbed by a large-scale Bermuda High-type system. As a result, a stretch of hot weather is all but certain for the Tennessee Valley from mid-week through the weekend and likely well into next week. Temperatures will climb into the 90’s for the next several days and there will be a daily shot at showers and thunderstorms.

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7:00 AM | *Heat and humidity rises later this week and this uncomfortable stretch will continue well into next week*

Paul Dorian

A strong surface high pressure system over the southeastern part of Canada early this week will shift southeastward over the next few days to a position near Bermuda by week’s end. During the weekend, high pressure ridging aloft will build dramatically over the Northeast US and this type of pattern will very likely open the door for heat around here and tropical activity as we end June and begin the new month of July. As is typical with strong and persistent upper-level ridging over the Northeast US, the chances will increase for westward-moving tropical activity in the general region from the Bahamas-to-Florida-to the Gulf of Mexico. Stay tuned.

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7:00 AM | *Threat for downpours continues...some storms can reach severe levels later today*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level trough will send multiple waves of energy our way over the next few days and the result will be numerous rounds of showers and thunderstorms. Thunderstorms can be on the strong-to-severe side in this upcoming stretch and the rain will fall heavily at times. The heat will be less intense today and for the next couple of days given the combination of clouds and occasional rainfall.

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7:00 AM | Strong-to-severe storm threat next couple days...heavy rainfall likely at times

Paul Dorian

An upper-level trough will send multiple waves of energy our way and the result will be numerous rounds of showers and thunderstorms over the next few days. Thunderstorms can be on the strong-to-severe side in this upcoming stretch of weather and the rain will fall heavily at times. The heat will be a little less intense today and Friday given the combination of clouds and occasional rainfall.

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7:00 AM | Upper-level disturbances to keep it unsettled around here

Paul Dorian

An upper-level disturbance will move into the Mid-South today and then rotate through the Tennessee Valley raising the prospects for afternoon and evening showers and thunderstorms. An even greater chance for rain will come on Thursday as an upper-level trough sends another wave of energy in our direction. The heat will be a little less intense on Thursday and Friday given the combination of clouds and scattered rainfall.

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7:00 AM | Another hot day in the Tennessee Valley

Paul Dorian

It’ll be another hot day in the Tennessee Valley with temperatures climbing into the 90’s for afternoon highs and there will be widely scattered late day showers and thunderstorms. A subtropical ridge of high pressure is in control in much of the eastern US and will remain so for the next few days. Widely scattered thunderstorms will be possible again on Wednesday and that threat will continue for the latter part of the week as well as high temperatures consistently climb to the 90 degree mark.

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7:00 AM | Another hot day in the Tennessee Valley and the rest of the week should feature 90+ degree highs

Paul Dorian

It’ll be another hot day in the Tennessee Valley with temperatures climbing into the 90’s for afternoon highs. A subtropical ridge of high pressure is in control and will remain so for the next few days. Widely scattered thunderstorms are possible late today and that threat will continue for the next few days as well as the uncomfortable heat and humidity stick around through the week.

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7:00 AM | *Hot stretch of weather continues into next week*

Paul Dorian

High pressure ridging over the Midwest will amplify as it builds to the east and this will result in a stretch of hot weather for the Tennessee Valley. Temperatures this afternoon will reach into the 90’s for highs and will climb well into the 90’s this weekend as well. In fact, the hot weather is likely to continue right into the middle part of next week with a daily chance of scattered showers and thunderstorms.

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