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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | Much the same with heat, humidity and daily shot at showers/storms

Paul Dorian

Broad upper-level ridge of high pressure continues to dominate the scene around here, but there is a stalled frontal system that lingers in the lower part of the atmosphere. As a result, it’ll stay unstable in the Tennessee Valley as we head into the weekend and early part of next week with a daily chance for daily showers and thunderstorms. A stronger frontal system will approach the area around Tuesday of next week and this is likely to enhance the chances for showers and thunderstorms.

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7:00 AM | Another day with highs in the lower 90's

Paul Dorian

Broad upper-level ridge of high pressure over the northern US will remain firmly established during the next few days while an upper-level trough pushes away from southeastern Canada. The combination will produce a northwesterly flow of air at upper levels of the atmosphere which will push a couple of weak frontal systems in our direction. These fronts will bring us moderate chances for showers and thunderstorms in the Tennessee Valley as we head towards the weekend and high temperatures will generally fall in the lower 90’s.

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7:00 AM | Lower 90's for highs next several days

Paul Dorian

Broad upper-level ridge of high pressure over the northern US will remain firmly established during the next few days while an upper-level trough pushes away from southeastern Canada. The combination will produce a northwesterly flow of air at upper levels of the atmosphere which will push a couple of weak frontal systems in our direction. These fronts will bring us moderate chances for showers and thunderstorms in the Tennessee Valley as we go through the second half of the week and high temperatures will generally fall in the lower 90’s.

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7:00 AM | The rest of the week looks like much the and humid with a shot at showers and storms each day

Paul Dorian

Broad upper-level ridge of high pressure over the Great Plains will remain firmly established during the next few days while an upper-level trough amplifies over the Northeast US. The combination will produce a northwesterly flow of air at upper levels of the atmosphere which will push a couple of weak frontal systems in our direction. These fronts will bring us small-to-moderate chances for showers and thunderstorms in the Tennessee Valley as we go through the week and high temperatures will generally fall in the lower 90’s.

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7:00 AM | Keeping an eye on the tropics...remains of Beryl and Chris

Paul Dorian

Broad upper-level ridge of high pressure over the Great Plains will remain firmly established during the next few days while an upper-level trough amplifies over the Northeast US. The combination will produce a northwesterly flow of air at upper levels of the atmosphere which will push a couple of weak frontal systems in our direction. These fronts will increase chances for showers and thunderstorms in the Tennessee Valley as we go through the week and high temperatures will generally fall around the 90 degree mark.

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7:00 AM | Approaching cool front to keep it quite unsettled around here

Paul Dorian

A cool front will approach the region later today and it will add to overall instability around here for the next couple of days. As a result, there can be additional strong thunderstorms in the area as we head into the weekend and some of the rain that falls can be heavy at times. One tropical wave will continue to head westward along the Gulf coast today and there are other disturbances to track in the Atlantic Basin as this somewhat favorable pattern for tropical activity continues into next week.

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7:00 AM | *Cool front slides into the region on Friday and Saturday and raises the chances for strong-to-severe thunderstorm activity*

Paul Dorian

Scattered thunderstorms are expected to develop once again this afternoon in the Tennessee Valley before diminishing late this evening and some of the storms can be on the strong side. Thunderstorm coverage will increase on Friday and Saturday as a cold front pushes southeastward into the region. A few strong to perhaps severe thunderstorms may accompany this frontal boundary and any rain that falls during thunderstorm activity can be heavy at times with gusty winds.

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7:00 AM | *Back into the 90's again as high pressure dominates much of the nation*

Paul Dorian

Abnormally strong upper-level ridging continues to dominate the scene in the northern US and the resultant hot, humid weather around here will continue through the weekend. The center of this high-level ridging will retrograde westward over the next few days and become centered over the interior western US by the end of the week. A frontal system will slide from the Great Lakes by the end of the week into the Mid-Atlantic region and it is likely to increase instability around here this coming weekend.

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7:00 AM | Keeping an eye on the tropics this week

Paul Dorian

Abnormally strong upper-level ridging continues to dominate the scene in the Northeast US and Great Lakes as we begin the new work week and the resultant hot weather around here will continue through the week. The center of this high-level ridging will retrograde westward over the next few days and become centered over the interior western US by the end of the week.

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7:00 AM | *Hot and humid stretch continues through next week*

Paul Dorian

Upper-level ridging will expand and intensify over the Mid-Atlantic region during the next few days and temperatures will respond here by climbing to the 90’s this afternoon and likely to repeat this on a daily basis well into next week. The heat will be accompanied by uncomfortably high humidity levels and there is little chance of relief from rainfall which will likely be quite scattered. This high heat and humidity will continue into at least the latter part of next week.

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