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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | Next week brings another deep upper-level trough into the picture

Paul Dorian

High pressure remains entrenched in the region today and the result should be generally rain-free conditions and high temperatures near the 90 degree mark. The weekend should be pretty decent with mainly dry, very warm conditions on tap for the region, but a shower or thunderstorm cannot be ruled out. A new upper-level trough of low pressure will form over the Midwest during the first half of next week and this will likely bring us a higher threat for showers and thunderstorms on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as moisture will stream northward from the Deep South.

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7:00 AM | Generally rain-free today in the Tennessee Valley as upper-level trough kicks out to the northeast of here

Paul Dorian

High pressure will edge into the region for today and the result should be rain-free conditions and high temperatures near the 90 degree mark. Isolated showers and thunderstorms will return to the Tennessee Valley on Friday, but the weekend should get off to a decent start with mainly dry, very warm conditions in tap for the region. A new upper-level trough of low pressure will form over the Midwest during the first half of next week and this will likely bring us a higher threat for rain as moisture will stream northward from the Deep South.

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7:00 AM | *Upper-level low kicks out to the northeast today reducing our chances for showers and storms*

Paul Dorian

The deep upper-level low that has resided over the interior Southeast US during the past few days will kick out to the northeast later today. As a result, the chances around here for showers and thunderstorms will diminish and it’ll turn warmer with some sunshine returning to the Tennessee Valley. High temperatures over the next few days are likely to climb to 90+ degrees in much of the region.

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7:00 AM | *Deep tropical moisture entrenched in the eastern US*

Paul Dorian

Deep tropical moisture continues to flow northward up along the eastern seaboard from the tropical Atlantic to the Northeast US. The threat for showers and thunderstorms here will continue for the next couple of days aided by the tropical air mass and an unusually strong upper-level trough of low pressure over the Southeast US. Any shower or storm that forms over the next couple of days can produce heavy rainfall amounts in a short period of time given the high humidity of the entrenched tropical air mass

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7:00 AM | *Very wet pattern continues for the eastern US*

Paul Dorian

A very wet weather pattern in the eastern US will continue through the first half of the week as deep tropical moisture continues to flow northward from the tropical Atlantic to the Mid-Atlantic. The threat for showers and thunderstorms will continue each day through mid-week aided by an unusually strong upper-level trough of low pressure that will be relatively stationary for the next few days over the Southeast US. As the wet week progresses, the possibility of localized flooding will increase and be closely monitored as rainfall amounts could reach excessive levels in some spots.

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7:00 AM | *Very wet pattern setting up for the eastern third of the nation*

Paul Dorian

A wet weather pattern will set up for the eastern third of the nation this weekend and likely continue right through next week. An unusually deep upper-level trough will form over the Upper Midwest early this weekend and this will become a slow-moving system. In addition, a strong coastal low pressure system may very well form on Saturday along the Mid-Atlantic coastline potentially causing some significant rainfall and gusty winds from the Delmarva-to-New England. As a result of this unfolding change to the overall weather pattern, the threat for showers and thunderstorms will increase here later today and then likely continue through much, if not all, of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Wet pattern begins this weekend for the eastern third of the nation*

Paul Dorian

A wet weather pattern will set up for the eastern third of the nation this weekend and likely continue right through next week. An unusually deep upper-level trough is likely to form over the Upper Midwest early this weekend and this will become a slow-mover. In addition, a strong coastal low pressure system may very well form in later Saturday potentially causing some significant rainfall and gusty winds for the I-95 corridor region to the coastline. As a result of this unfolding change to the overall weather pattern, the threat for showers and thunderstorms will increase later in the day on Saturday and then likely continue through much, if not all, of next week.

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7:00 AM | Unusually deep upper-level trough to form nearby this weekend

Paul Dorian

A strong cool front is working its way through the area and our air mass will become drier and more comfortable compared to recent days. In fact, tonight may very well turn out to be one with great sleeping weather and low temperatures by morning in the upper 60’s. It’ll turn a bit warmer again on Thursday and Friday with highs not far from 90 degrees each day. The weekend looks quite unstable in the Tennessee Valley with the formation of an upper-level trough and this will lead to a daily shot at showers and thunderstorms.

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7:00 AM | *Strong cool front to approach the region today from the Great Lakes*

Paul Dorian

A strong cool front will work its way to the southeast today from the Great Lakes and it will continue the chances around here for showers and thunderstorms. Any storm that forms can produce heavy rainfall amounts in a short period of time given the available moisture in the overall atmosphere. Once the front swings through the region late tonight, drier air should push into the Tennessee Valley for the mid-week.

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7:00 AM | A good shot at some more decent rainfall next few days

Paul Dorian

There will be a change to the overall weather pattern this week with the breaking down of the upper-level ridge of high pressure that has dominated the scene in the Southeast US in recent days. A strong cool front and its associated upper-level trough will drop southeastward over the next few days from the Great Lakes and towards the Northeast US bringing us an enhanced chance of showers and storms from later today into tomorrow night. Drier air should move into the region at mid week following the passage of the cool frontal system.

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