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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | Another decent day here today, but heat and humidity to return later this weekend and it'll stick around for all of next week

Paul Dorian

High pressure to our west during the past couple of days will provide us with one more rather comfortable day. This system, however, will push off the east coast this weekend and that will cause a shift in low-level winds to a more southwesterly direction and the result will be a return to heat and humidity. Once this change to hot and humid returns, it looks like it will stick around for awhile as we go through the last part of August.

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7:00 AM | Another day in the 80's for highs

Paul Dorian

A cool front passed through the region last night and it’ll become more comfortable around here for the next couple of days. By the weekend, southwesterly flow will redevelop and push moisture back into the region from the Gulf of Mexico and temperatures will climb back to the 90’s after a welcome respite during the next couple of days.

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7:00 AM | More comfortable for the next couple of days

Paul Dorian

A strong upper-level low pressure system will push into the Northeast US today and it’ll become more comfortable around here for the next couple of days. Following a frontal passage, surface high pressure will build into the Tennessee Valley from the middle of the country and temperatures will drop to more comfortable levels for the next couple of days. By the weekend, southwesterly flow will redevelop and push moisture back into the region from the Gulf of Mexico and temperatures will climb back to the 90’s after a welcome respite during the mid and latter parts of the week.

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7:00 AM | *Another active day in the Tennessee Valley, but then more comfortable weather for a couple days*

Paul Dorian

A strong upper-level low pressure system will drop into the Upper Midwest today and this will help to keep it unsettled around here with a good chance of PM showers and thunderstorms. Following a frontal passage, high pressure will build into the Tennessee Valley from the middle of the country and temperatures will drop to more comfortable levels for a couple of days. By the weekend, southwesterly flow will redevelop and push moisture back into the region from the Gulf of Mexico and temperatures will climb back to the 90’s after a welcome respite during the mid and latter parts of the week.

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7:00 AM | An active start to the new work week...more comfortable at mid-week

Paul Dorian

An active weather period continues in the Tennessee Valley as we start the new work week with a continuing chance for showers and thunderstorms. Vigorous upper-level energy will drop southeastward over the next 24 hours from the Northern Plains into the Great Lakes and it will keep us unsettled into mid-week. High pressure from the middle of the country will edge our way at mid-week and it should get more comfortable for this time of year for a couple of days.

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7:00 AM | *An active weather period next several days with multiple rounds of showers and storms*

Paul Dorian

An active weather period begins today in the Tennessee Valley which will bring us scattered to numerous thunderstorms during the Friday-to-Tuesday time period. The best chances for thunderstorms will come today and tomorrow as greater moisture and instability are realized across the region. Some of the storms today could reach strong-to-severe levels with strong winds the primary threat. The approach of a cold front on Monday will continue the threat for strong storms as we begin a new work week.

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7:00 AM | Back to the 90's

Paul Dorian

Another hot summer day is in store for the Tennessee Valley today with high temperatures likely to reach well into the 90’s during the afternoon hours. It won’t get quite as hot on Friday, but the chance for showers and thunderstorms will increase as we close out the work week. In fact, multiple disturbances will head our way as we progress through the weekend and these will generate additional showers and thunderstorms in the Tennessee Valley going right into early next week.

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7:00 AM | Quite hot today with highs well up in the 90's

Paul Dorian

Another hot summer day is in store for the Tennessee Valley today with high temperatures likely to reach well into the 90’s during the afternoon hours. It stays hot on Thursday as well, and the chances for showers and thunderstorms will be on the increase. Multiple disturbances will head our way as we close out the week and progress through the weekend and these will generate more numerous showers and thunderstorms in the Tennessee Valley going right into early next week.

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7:00 AM | Tropics still generally on the quiet side

Paul Dorian

A weak frontal system will push northward today towards the area and it could spark a few showers and thunderstorms. This front weakens tomorrow and rising heights aloft will allow for higher temperatures and highs in the 90’s are quite likely through the remainder of the work week.

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7:00 AM | In the 90's for highs for much of the week

Paul Dorian

An upper-level closed low is hovering over the Ohio Valley as we begin the new work week and high pressure resides over the western Atlantic. Over the next couple of days, a trough sliding across southern Canada will help to kick out the closed low and this will increase drying conditions here by mid-week. With rising heights aloft and plenty of sunshine, temperatures will stay in the 90’s for the mid-week and likely at least reach 90 degrees later in the week.

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