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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Tropics showing some signs of life*

Paul Dorian

A cool frontal system will approach the area later tonight and then slow down and weaken on Wednesday. Given this, the weather pattern will remain somewhat unsettled over the next couple of days with the stalled out frontal boundary zone nearby and a moist influx of air from the Gulf of Mexico. Drier is possible across the Tennessee valley later in the week as an upper-level trough over the eastern US promotes a northwesterly flow of air into the region.

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7:00 AM | *Back to the 90's to begin the new work week*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level trough over the eastern US will stay in place for much of the week with surface high pressure building over the western Atlantic. From this position, very warm and humid air will flow into the Tennessee Valley from the Gulf of Mexico and we’ll experience highs near or slightly above the 90 degree mark for much of the week. In addition, the threat for showers and storms will be on the rise beginning on Tuesday.

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7:00 AM | *Back to 90 degree highs on a daily basis*

Paul Dorian

Large high pressure at the surface is providing a great opportunity for drying in the saturated eastern third of the nation and it will continue to do so well into next week. Temperatures will return to very levels today and we’ll rise to or slightly above the 90 degree mark this weekend and early next week for afternoon highs.

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7:00 AM | *Drying out period continues in the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level trough of low pressure in the eastern US has brought drier conditions to the Tennessee Valley compared to the recent humid stretch. High pressure at the surface will keep us rain-free for the rest of the work week and into the weekend, but the threat of showers and storms will return late this weekend and early next week.

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7:00 AM | *Much more comfortable temperatures in the Tennessee Valley and the rest of the work week looks pretty decent for late July*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level trough of low pressure in the eastern US has brought cooler conditions to the eastern third of the nation compared to the recent hot stretch. High pressure at the surface will keep us rain-free for the middle and latter parts of the week. Elsewhere, tropical depression 3 has formed off of Florida and is likely to stay out over the western Atlantic over the next few days.

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7:00 AM | *More reasonable temperatures this week*

Paul Dorian

The recent hot weather will continue to transition to below-normal temperatures today in the Tennessee Valley and the adjustment will lead to more showers and thunderstorms as a cold front reaches the Ohio Valley. Following the frontal passage, highs on Tuesday will likely be confined to the low-to-mid 80’s which is actually below-normal for late July and some 10 degrees cooler than the heat of the early weekend. The much more reasonable weather pattern in terms of temperatures will likely last through the remainder of the month of July in the Tennessee Valley.

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7:00 AM | *Good chance of more widespread showers and storms for the second half of the week*

Paul Dorian

A trough of low pressure will develop aloft early this week in the eastern US and it could lead to more widespread rainfall across the Florida Peninsula by the middle and latter parts of the week. This trough will tend to displace the Bermuda High which has been the dominant player around here in recent days. The tropics may take on a more active look incoming days over the Gulf of Mexico and/or western part of the Atlantic Ocean – we’ll continue to monitor it closely.

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7:00 AM | **Major heat wave next few days from the nation's midsection to the east coast**

Paul Dorian

A true summer heat wave will take place over the next few days from the middle of the nation to the east coast. Temperatures here will soar today well up into the 90’s and we’ll climb into the 90’s this weekend as well. The good news is that there will be relief from the heat and humidity by the middle of next week and highs will be confined to the 80’s once again next Tuesday and Wednesday and the longer-term temperature pattern looks pretty reasonable for the remainder of the month of July. In terms of rainfall, there can be scattered showers and thunderstorms over the next couple of days and then an even greater chance of showers and thunderstorms will occur on Sunday and Monday as a strong cool front moves here from the Upper Midwest.

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7:00 AM | *Excessive heat and humidity next few days, but big pattern change to bring relief next week*

Paul Dorian

The big story in much of the eastern half of the nation for the next few days will be the excessive heat and humidity. Locally, temperatures should reach the low-to-mid 90’s for afternoon highs over the next few days and the moist environment can lead to scattered showers and thunderstorms. Looking ahead to next week, a big change in the overall pattern will take place with an upper-level trough of low pressure setting up across the eastern US and this will lead to more reasonable temperatures for the remainder of July.

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