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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *More excessive heat coming for the weekend*

Paul Dorian

Today will feature some relief in the temperature department for the Tennessee Valley following the passage of a frontal system, but there is more excessive heat on the way. In fact, temperatures are likely to return the middle 90’s this weekend and the extreme heat is likely to continue early next week as well. The main culprit for the heat wave across the southern US in coming days will be rather stationary high pressure aloft that will allow for high heat from the SW US to the SE US and including the Tennessee Valley region.

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7:00 AM | *Hot today and a threat for severe weather by early tonight*

Paul Dorian

Today will be another quite day across the region with highs in the middle 90’s by mid-afternoon to go along with very humid conditions. A cold front will increase the chances for showers and thunderstorms by the end of the day and there can be some severe thunderstorm activity by early tonight. In fact, a sold band of strong-to-severe thunderstorms are likely by late today across the middle part of Tennessee and they will push in this direction early tonight with heavy rainfall and damaging wind gusts a real threat for the region.

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7:00 AM | *Mid 90's to return by early next week*

Paul Dorian

The big story over the next several days may the return of some excessive heat and humidity by the early part of next week. High pressure ridging will build over the south-central US this weekend and keep a NW flow in place over the region. As the high intensifies early next week, temperatures here could climb to the middle 90’s for highs along with the continuing daily chance of showers and thunderstorms.

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7:00 AM | *Excessive heat and humidity could make a return here by early next week*

Paul Dorian

The big story over the next several days may the return of some excessive heat and humidity by the early part of next week. High pressure ridging will build over the south-central US this weekend and keep a NW flow in place over the region. As the high intensifies next week, temperatures here could climb to the middle 90’s for highs along with the continuing daily chance of showers and thunderstorms.

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7:00 AM | *Active weather pattern continues and it stays quite hot*

Paul Dorian

A series of weak disturbances will head from northwest-to-southeast over the next couple of days and into the Tennessee Valley riding along in northwesterly flow aloft. Scattered showers and thunderstorms are possible during the next couple of days and then they’ll become more widespread as we head into the upcoming weekend as stronger disturbances come our way.

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7:00 AM | *Hot today...perhaps the hottest day of the week*

Paul Dorian

Weak high pressure will build into the region today and we’ll likely stay rain-free as a result, but the heat and humidity will stick around. In fact, today could turn out to be the hottest day of the week with highs well up in the 90’s. A weak disturbance will arrive overnight and on Wednesday and will increase chances somewhat for showers and thunderstorms. Isolated showers and thunderstorms are possible during the second half of the week as other weak disturbances come through the Tennessee Valley.

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7:00 AM | *Low-to-mid 90's likely for highs later in the week*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will remain well established across the Plains and western US for much of the week and this will place our region under a general NW flow of air in the upper atmosphere. As a result, temperatures will remain at seasonably hot levels for early August and showers and thunderstorms will be limited over the next few days.

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7:00 AM | *90+ degree highs next several days with the daily threat for showers and storms*

Paul Dorian

A trough of low pressure remains in the upper atmosphere over the eastern US and it will keep it unsettled around here with a continuing chance of afternoon/evening showers and thunderstorms. There will also be plenty of sunshine on a daily basis for the next few days and this will boost temperatures to or slightly above the 90 degree mark each afternoon. Meanwhile, the eastern Atlantic is looking quite active at the current time with multiple tropical waves and we may have to deal with a tropical storm in the western Atlantic by the middle of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Keeping an eye on multiple tropical waves as the month of August gets underway*

Paul Dorian

A trough of low pressure remains in the upper atmosphere over the eastern US and it will keep it somewhat unsettled around here with a chance for afternoon/evening showers and thunderstorms. There will also be plenty of sunshine on a daily basis for the next few days and this will boost temperatures into the 90’s each afternoon. Elsewhere, the eastern Atlantic is looking quite active at the current time with multiple tropical waves and we may have to deal with a tropical storm in the western Atlantic by the middle of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Keeping an eye on the tropics*

Paul Dorian

A cool frontal system will slow down and weaken today as it approaches the region. As a result, the weather pattern will remain somewhat unsettled over the next few days with the stalled out frontal boundary zone nearby along with a moist influx of air from the Gulf of Mexico. Temperatures should generally to climb to within a few degrees of 90 for highs as we progress through the remainder of the week and weekend.

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