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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Another day with high heat, but relief is in sight*

Paul Dorian

Another day with potential record-breaking heat is in store for northern Alabama with highs likely reaching the upper 90’s again in many spots. The high pressure ridge responsible for the hot weather pattern will be somewhat suppressed to the south by tomorrow and this will bring temperatures back to more reasonable values as we close out the work week. A cool front will approach the region later in the weekend and it will increase the chance for showers and thunderstorms and temperatures could actually be confined to the 70’s for highs early next week.

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7:00 AM | *Excessive heat around here for another couple of days*

Paul Dorian

Another couple of days with potential record-breaking heat are in store for northern Alabama with highs likely reaching the upper 90’s in most spots. The high pressure ridge responsible for the hot weather pattern will be somewhat suppressed to the south later in the week and this will bring temperatures back to more reasonable values for the early part of October. In addition, a cool front will pass through the Tennessee Valley by Friday and highs at the end of the will certainly be closer to the 90 degree mark as compared with the near 100 degrees expected today and Thursday.

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7:00 AM | *The heat goes on*

Paul Dorian

The remainder of the work week will stay quite hot across the Tennessee Valley, but there will be a little relief by the weekend. An upper-level ridge will continue to control the weather over the next few days and temperatures will likely climb to the mid 90’s for highs. While there can be scattered showers and storms this week, the bulk of the forecast period will be rain-free in the local area.

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7:00 AM | *More hot weather as we begin a new week*

Paul Dorian

The main story for this week will be the continuation of the hot weather pattern across much of the southern US. An upper-level ridge will continue to control the weather here in the Tennessee Valley and temperatures can climb to the mid 90’s for highs over the next few days. While there can be scattered showers and storms this week, the bulk of the forecast period will be rain-free in the local area.

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7:00 AM | *Hot pattern continues with low-to-mid 90's for highs through the middle of next week*

Paul Dorian

The main story for the next several days will be the persistent heat in the Tennessee Valley with highs mainly in the middle 90’s. An upper-level ridge will continue to sit over the SE US through the weekend and it looks like the heat will continue well into next week as well. While there can be scattered showers and storms this weekend, the bulk of the extended forecast period will be rain-free in the local region.

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7:00 AM | *Hot pattern to continue with mid 90's for highs from Friday through early next week*

Paul Dorian

The main story for the next several days will be the persistent heat with highs on Friday and this weekend in the middle 90’s after near 90 degrees this afternoon. An upper-level ridge will continue to sit over the SE US through the end of the week and it looks like the heat will continue well into next week as well. While there can be scattered showers and storms later today and tonight, the bulk of the forecast period will be rain-free in the Tennessee Valley region.

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7:00 AM | *Mid 90's back on the table*

Paul Dorian

High pressure ridging will move somewhat to the south over the next few days and it’ll stay quite hot around here. In fact, temperatures will climb to the middle 90’s by the weekend and likely stay that way into the early part of next week. The tropical scene remains active with multiple systems to monitor across the Atlantic Basin, but there is no imminent threat to the US.

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7:00 AM | *A comfortably warm day to close out the work week*

Paul Dorian

High pressure ridging extends from southeastern Canada to the Tennessee Valley and will provide us with decent weather into the weekend. This area of high pressure will push to the east this weekend and that will open the door for some very warm air to return to the northern Alabama region. High temperatures should again reach the 90 degree mark by Sunday afternoon and likely push back to or slightly above the 90 degree mark early next week. The tropical scene remains active with one hurricane (Jerry) and multiple systems to monitor across the Atlantic Basin in coming days.

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7:00 AM | *More reasonable temperatures next couple days*

Paul Dorian

The very hot weather of the past few days has come to an end as a back door cool front passed through the region bringing with it more reasonable temperatures. High pressure ridging extends from the NE US to the Tennessee Valley and will provide us with decent weather into the weekend. This area of high pressure will push to the east this weekend and this will open the door for some very warm air to return to the northern Alabama region. High temperatures should again reach the 90 degree mark over the weekend and likely push back into the 90’s for highs early next week. The tropical scene remains very active with multiple systems to monitor across the Atlantic Basin in coming days.

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7:00 AM | *Another day with excessive heat, but then some relief for the remainder of the week*

Paul Dorian

The very hot weather of the past few days will continue for another day, but then a back door cool front will bring temperatures down to more reasonable levels for the latter part of the week. Highs today will likely reach the mid 90’s, but will be much closer to the 90 degree mark as we close out the work week and head into the weekend. An upper-level ridge of high pressure will dominate the scene across the northeastern US and southeaster Canada and ridging will extend into the Tennessee Valley and southern Plains as well. Elsewhere, tropical depression “Imelda” will bring torrential rain to the southeastern part of Texas over the next couple of days and a new tropical storm (“Jerry”) has formed in the central Atlantic. Hurricane Humberto has strengthened into “major” hurricane status (category 3) and will hit the island of Bermuda later tonight with hurricane force winds and heavy rainfall. The Atlantic Basin tropical season will likely remain active through September and into the month of October.

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