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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *A cold front moves east of here today., but showers linger*

Paul Dorian

A surface cold front will move east of the area this morning, but an upper-level trough will continue to contribute to instability in the atmosphere and the chance for lingering showers and thunderstorms. The drier air following the frontal passage will arrive later tonight and there will be the return of some sunshine on Friday to go along with chilly conditions.

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7:00 AM | *Active pattern continues...shower/thunderstorm threat today, tonight and tomorrow*

Paul Dorian

An active weather pattern will continue to result in some rainfall for the region and it’ll stay quite mild for another day. A large trough aloft is pushing east from the southwestern states waves and waves of low pressure will lift northeast and impact the Tennessee Valley. By the end of the work week, it’ll turn colder after the upper-level system moves east of here and we’ll turn cooler and drier.

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7:00 AM | *An active weather pattern continues next few days*

Paul Dorian

An active weather pattern will continue to result in some rainfall for the region and it’ll stay quite mild for the next couple of days. A large trough aloft will push into the southwestern states over the next couple of days and waves of low pressure will lift northeast and impact the Tennessee Valley. By the end of the work week, this upper-level system will move east of here and we’ll turn cooler and drier.

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7:00 AM | *The new week will begin on the mild side, but it'll also feature multiple chances for rain*

Paul Dorian

A strong high pressure system in the upper atmosphere will dominate the weather scene around here for the next couple of days and we’ll turn quite mild, but with lots of clouds around. A slow-moving cold front will push towards the Tennessee and Ohio Valleys in coming days and it’ll be the focus for waves of low pressure. As a result, there will be the threat of showers each day from tomorrow through Friday and there can be some thunderstorm activity mixed in as well at times. The mild conditions of the early part of the week will give way to cooler conditions by the end of the week.

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7:00 AM | *Week closes out on a chilly, mainly cloudy note*

Paul Dorian

High pressure over New England today will move towards the Canadian Maritimes later today and low pressure will form near the Carolina coastline in the overnight hours. This low will move to a position well off the Mid-Atlantic coastline by later tomorrow and then high pressure returns here early next week and it’ll turn noticeably warmer. In fact, highs are likely to reach well into the 60’s here for the first half of next week, but then a slow-moving cold front will produce multiple chances of rain later in the week.

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7:00 AM | *Plenty of clouds today and on the cool side*

Paul Dorian

Clouds will increase today as low-level southeasterly flow develops in the region and it’ll stay on the cool side. The flow will become more southwesterly on Thursday night and Friday as a large trough moves closer to the Tennessee Valley. The threat of showers will return on Friday, but the weekend is looking dry and a warming trend will get underway.

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7:00 AM | *Still an unsettled weather pattern for the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

A fast-moving disturbance will bring us the threat for more rain today, but it should pull out of here by tomorrow paving the way for dry and seasonable weather conditions on Thursday. Another disturbance should push clouds our way at the end of the week, but for now the weekend is looking pretty decent. In fact, a warm up should begin later in the weekend likely bringing temperatures to the middle 60’s for highs by early next week.

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7:00 AM | *An unsettled pattern brings us more chances of rain*

Paul Dorian

Today will be a transition day as it’ll start off mainly sunny, but then clouds will increase to be followed by another batch of rain. It’ll be mild today, but a colder air mass moves into the region on Wednesday following the rain event. We’ll dry out again from late Wednesday into Thursday, but more showers are possible at the end of the week.

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7:00 AM | *An unsettled start to the week*

Paul Dorian

The threat of showers will continue here today as upper-level trough pushes to the east of here. Tuesday will be a transition day as it’ll start off mainly sunny, but then clouds will increase to be followed by another batch of rain. We’ll dry out again later Wednesday into Thursday, but more showers are possible at the end of the week.

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7:00 AM | *A cold front crosses the region early today and it'll get quite chilly in the overnight hours*

Paul Dorian

A cold frontal passage early today will diminish the chances for additional showers later today and then it’ll turn quite chilly in the overnight hours with lows in the mid 30’s. An upper-level trough will slide to the east of here on Saturday and the overall wind field will become rather zonal (i.e., west-to-east) keeping it relatively mild in northern Alabama.

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