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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | ***Strong-to-severe storms possible today/tonight...even higher threat of severe weather likely comes next Tuesday into Wednesday***

Paul Dorian

Active weather is in store for the Tennessee Valley region on a couple of occasions going forward and it includes the chance for severe weather. First, there is the threat for scattered thunderstorms around here this morning as an upper-level trough pushes through the region and then another round of storms is likely this afternoon and evening with the passage of a cold front. Any storm this afternoon and evening can be on the strong-to-severe side and isolated tornadoes cannot be ruled out. A stronger storm will move from the Central Plains from next Tuesday into Wednesday and there is the potential for heavy rainfall and strong-to-severe thunderstorm activity.

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7:00 AM | *A bit warmer and drier today as high pressure builds into the region*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will edge into the Tennessee Valley today generating some dry and warm conditions with highs in the lower 70’s. The nice weather will be short-lived; however, as an upper-level trough shifts this way on Friday from the middle of the country. This system will raise the chances here for some shower and thunderstorm activity as we close out the work week. In the wake of this system, high pressure returns this weekend and should control the weather through Monday.

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7:00 AM | *Lingering clouds and showers today...drier and milder conditions on Thursday*

Paul Dorian

It remains unsettled in the region today with wrap-around showers before some drier air moves into the Tennessee Valley. With considerable clouds, temperatures will be held down to the lower or middle 60’s for highs here at mid-week and then fall into the 40’s in the overnight hours. It’ll turn drier and milder on Thursday as high pressure builds into the region.

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7:00 AM | *An upper-level trough brings us an increasing chance of showers today and the threat for rain lasts into Wednesday*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level trough will deepen as it closes in on the area today leading to clouds and the chance of afternoon showers. The threat for showers will continues through tonight as well and can even last into early Wednesday as this system tends to slow down in its eastward progression. One final note, you may have noticed some purplish sunrises in recent days and weeks. This is still the result of the Tonga volcanic eruption that took place back in January. Fine volcanic aerosols in the stratosphere scatter blue light which, when mixed with ordinary sunset red, produces a violet hue. The purple color is often preceded by a yellow arch hugging the horizon. As the sun sets, violet beams emerge from the yellow, overlapping to fill the western sky with a soft purple glow.

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7:00 AM | **An Arctic front whips through the region on Friday night...quite cold to start the weekend...much milder next week**

Paul Dorian

Another strong cold front will approach the region at week’s end and the result may be some rain shower activity on Friday evening that can change to snow by early Saturday. The weekend will start off much cooler-than-normal following the passage of this next strong cold frontal system, but it’ll turn much milder during the first half of next week.

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7:00 AM | **Another powerful cold front arrives here on Friday night with much colder air on Saturday**

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will push from the Tennessee Valley early today to the southern Mid-Atlantic coastline by later this afternoon and skies will remain mainly cloudy across northern Alabama. Another strong cold front will approach the region at week’s end and the result may be some rain shower activity on Friday night that can change to snow by early Saturday. The weekend will start off much cooler-than-normal following the passage of this next strong cold frontal system, but it’ll turn much milder during the first half of next week.

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7:00 AM | **Another strong cold front arrives in the region at week's end**

Paul Dorian

Following the passage of a cold front, it’ll turn cooler today in the Tennessee Valley, but moisture will rapidly gather together to our southwest as low pressure forms. This low pressure system will push from the Tennessee valley late tonight to the southern Mid-Atlantic coastline by mid-day on Wednesday. Another strong cold front will approach the region at week’s end and the result may be some shower activity on Friday, perhaps even strong thunderstorms. The weekend will start off much cooler-than-normal following the passage of this next strong cold frontal system.

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7:00 AM | *A very warm start to the week, but much cooler on Tuesday following cold frontal passage*

Paul Dorian

An active weather pattern begins the week with the chance of showers in the Tennessee Valley and there can be strong thunderstorms mixed in as well. In fact, some of the thunderstorms later today can reach severe levels as a strong cold front approaches the region. It turns much cooler for the mid and latter parts of the week compared to today’s warmth and there will be additional chances for rain.

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7:00 AM | *Another very nice few days coming to the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

The next few days look quite nice across northern Alabama with highs in the 70’s each day to go along with some sunshine. The warm up will gradually bring increasingly moist air to this part of the country and showers will become a threat on Sunday and Monday. It turns cooler on Tuesday following the passage of the next cold frontal system.

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