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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | **Threat of strong-to-severe thunderstorms by later tonight as strong front reaches the region**

Paul Dorian

The threat of showers and storms will increase late day and then peak later tonight as a potent system slides eastward towards the Mississippi Valley. Some of the storms that form later tonight along a cold front can be strong-to-severe with damaging winds a risk and even the threat of isolated tornadoes. It turns somewhat cooler on Thursday following the passage of a frontal system and the mid 40’s are likely for late night lows leading into the day on Friday.

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7:00 AM | *Weak wave brings us threat of showers/storms today...more potent system could result in strong-to-severe storms at mid-week*

Paul Dorian

After a chilly start to the weekend, southerly flow boosted temperatures to milder levels and the work week will start off on the warm side. Unfortunately, a weak wave in the upper atmosphere will create some instability here and the warmth will be accompanied by a threat of showers and thunderstorms. The threat of showers and storms will continue into mid-week as a more potent system slides eastward towards the Mississippi Valley – some of those storms can be on the strong-to-severe side.

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7:00 AM | *Windy and cooler today following the passage of a cold front*

Paul Dorian

The passage of a cold frontal system will set off some changes around here today with a noticeable westerly wind and cooler conditions to go along with mainly sunny skies. It turns even cooler on Friday and the possibility for patchy late night frost will increase both late Friday night and late Saturday night. It begins to turn much milder on Sunday and the 70’s are likely to return during the early part of next week.

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7:00 AM | ***Another day with the threat of strong-to-severe thunderstorm activity in the Tennessee Valley***

Paul Dorian

An active weather pattern continues around here today with an approaching strong cold frontal system. As a result, winds will be gusty today and there is the chance of showers and thunderstorms into the evening hours…any storm can be on the strong-to-severe side. After the passage of the cold front, it’ll turn cooler for the last part of the work week and also for the first half of the upcoming weekend. A big time warm-up takes place for Sunday and Monday as high pressure ridging intensifies in the eastern third of the nation.

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7:00 AM | *Another round of showers and storms coming by mid-week*

Paul Dorian

An active weather week is in store for the region, but it’ll start off rather quiet today and turning warmer. Showers and thunderstorms are possible later tomorrow and tomorrow night and a strong cold front will continue that threat later this week. Following the passage of the cold front, it’ll turn quite a bit cooler by the end of the week.

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7:00 AM | *Another upper-level trough slides this way by Tuesday/Wednesday of next week - potentially bringing us another severe weather event*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level trough of low pressure has passed the region to the east and today will turn out to be a rather quiet day weather-wise with mild conditions and highs near the 60 degree mark. After a decent weekend, the threat for showers and thunderstorms will return by next Tuesday and Wednesday as the next in a series of upper-level trough slides into the central Plains…the active weather pattern continues.

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7:00 AM | *Quieter around here today and cooler following the passage of a strong cold front*

Paul Dorian

A strong cold front pushed through the region on Wednesday and cooler conditions will prevail today and a shower or two cannot be ruled out. The next couple of nights will feature overnight lows near the 40 degree mark, but a warm up will get underway this weekend. Another frontal system could bring showers and thunderstorms back to the region early next week and temperatures will return to the 70’s for highs.

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7:00 AM | ***Much like last week, severe weather a threat across Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama...damaging wind gusts on the table around here***

Paul Dorian

A strong cold front will move from west-to-east today across the Deep South and the result here will be a very warm and increasingly windy day and then an evening filled with showers and thunderstorms. Winds during the day will increase in strength and can gust past 50 mph this afternoon. Some of the storms this evening can be severe across the Tennessee Valley with damaging wind gusts a high risk. Multiple jet streaks will be nearby in this time period enhancing the chance for those potential damaging wind gusts. Cooler air will follow the passage of the front for the latter days of the work week.

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