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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Summer pattern to continue with daily shot at showers/storms and highs in the 90's*

Paul Dorian

Temperatures jumped back into the 90’s on Tuesday across northern Alabama and are likely to stay there for afternoon highs right through the remainder of the week and upcoming weekend. In terms of precipitation, there is a chance for showers and thunderstorms on each day, but much of the time will be rain-free. Any shower or thunderstorm that does form in coming days can produce heavy rainfall amounts in a short period of time given the moist environmental conditions in the Tennessee Valley.

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7:00 AM | *The 90's likely for the remainder of the week following the cooler-than-normal conditions on Monday*

Paul Dorian

Clouds and rain keep temperatures down on Monday with below-normal readings, but that will change today with the return of sunshine. As a result, temperatures will jump back into the 90’s this afternoon across northern Alabama and likely stay there through the remainder of the week for highs. In terms of precipitation, while there is a chance for PM showers and thunderstorms, the probabilities are lower than yesterday.

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7:00 AM | **Active weather pattern to continue bringing us additional chances for heavy rainfall**

Paul Dorian

The weather pattern will remain very active across the Tennessee valley over the next several days as a frontal system stalls out in the vicinity. This frontal boundary zone will act as a focus area for numerous showers and thunderstorms in coming days any one of which can dump a lot of rainfall in a short period of time. Temperatures will generally peak at around the 90 degree mark through the weekend and could return to the lower and middle 90’s by the middle of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Scattered showers and thunderstorms today...more widespread activity possible on Friday and Friday night*

Paul Dorian

The weather remains unsettled today with the chance of showers and thunderstorms in the area, but much of the time will be rain-free. A better chance for more widespread shower and thunderstorm activity will come on Friday and Friday night when a cool front sinks southward into the Tennessee Valley. This late week system will likely be able to tap into copious amounts of low-level moisture which can result in some heavy rainfall across the region. This same front will hang in rather close proximity this weekend keeping it somewhat unsettled across the region and high temperatures will generally fall near the 90 degree mark.

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7:00 AM | Temperatures could hold in the mid-to-upper 80's this weekend after a few more days with the low-to-mid 90's*

Paul Dorian

The weather for the remainder of the work week can be pretty well summarized as unsettled with a daily shot at showers and thunderstorms and high temperatures in the low-to-mid 90’s. Weak frontal boundary zones will keep it unsettled around here for each of the next few days and then we’ll watch the progression of a stronger front at week’s end that could bring some relief here this weekend. In fact, it appears that temperatures are likely to be confined to the mid or upper 80’s this weekend following the passage of the late week frontal system.

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7:00 AM | *Unsettled for the remainder of the week with daily highs in the low-to-mid 90's*

Paul Dorian

The weather for the remainder of the week can be pretty well summarized as unsettled with a daily shot at showers and thunderstorms and high temperatures in the low-to-mid 90’s. Weak frontal boundary zones will keep it unsettled around here for each of the next few days and then we’ll watch the progression of a stronger front at week’s end that could bring some relief here this weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Nearby frontal system to keep it unsettled around here for much of the week*

Paul Dorian

A nearby frontal system will bring us more in the way of clouds today and also the threat of showers and thunderstorms. This front remains in the general vicinity during the next few days keeping it unsettled around here with a continuing chance of showers and thunderstorms. Temperatures will remain quite warm with highs generally in the lower 90’s over the next few days…not quite as extreme as this past weekend or last week.

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7:00 AM | **Heat wave continues into next week across the Tennessee Valley...middle 90's for highs next few days in northern Alabama**

Paul Dorian

The weather remains quite hot today and it looks like it will stay that way for the next several days with highs generally in the mid 90’s. In addition to the heat, overall humidity levels will be in the uncomfortable range and there will be a daily chance of showers and thunderstorms. Any shower or thunderstorm over the next few days can result in locally heavy rainfall given the high humidity levels.

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7:00 AM | **Showers/thunderstorms possible during the PM, humid weather lasts right into next week**

Paul Dorian

The weather remains quite hot today and it looks like it will stay that way for the next several days with highs generally in the low-to-mid 90’s. In addition to the heat, overall humidity levels will be in the uncomfortable range and there will be a daily chance of showers and thunderstorms. Any shower or thunderstorm over the next few days can bring about some locally heavy rainfall given the high humidity levels.

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