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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *More unsettled weather returns with an influx of moisture on the back side of departing high pressure*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will push off to the northeast of here today and moisture will be on the increase around here on its backside. As a result, the chance of showers and thunderstorms will increase and it will hang around through the upcoming weekend. Temperatures will remain pretty comfortable for the next several days with low-to-mid 80’s likely for afternoon highs.

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7:00 AM | **Very wet weather pattern continues across the Tennessee Valley**

Paul Dorian

The combination of an upper-level trough and very moist air will bring a soaking rainfall to the Tennessee Valley as we begin a shortened work week. Occasional showers and thunderstorms today, tonight and tomorrow can result in an additional couple inches of rainfall in the region. This unsettled and wet weather pattern will continue later in the week and into the weekend as the upper-level trough hangs around this part of the country.

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7:00 AM | *Increasing moisture renews a threat of showers and thunderstorms this weekend and into early next week*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will shift off the east coast today allowing for a southwesterly flow of air to develop on its backside promoting higher humidity for us in the Tennessee Valley this holiday weekend. With the increase in moisture, the chance for showers and storms will rise later today and the threat of rain will continue through the weekend and into early next week. On the positive side, the high humidity levels and expected copious amounts of clouds will help to keep temperatures at relatively comfortable levels during the next several days.

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7:00 AM | *Dry today, but more unsettled conditions return for tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday*

Paul Dorian

High pressure over the Ohio Valley will shift to the south and east over the next couple of days providing us today with seasonably warm and dry conditions, but humidity levels will increase on Friday as low-level flow turns southerly. With the increase in moisture, the chance for showers and storms will rise as we end the work week and continue through the upcoming holiday weekend.

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