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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Humidity and chances for showers/storms to increase during second half of the week*

Paul Dorian

A weak high pressure system will be in place today over the Southeast US and it’ll provide us with plenty of sunshine across the northern sections of Alabama.  By mid-week, this system will push to the east of here and that will open the door for more humid air to flow northeast from the Gulf of Mexico and into the Tennessee Valley. With the increase moisture, there will be an increasing chance for showers and thunderstorms during the second half of the week.

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7:00 AM | *Drier, more comfortable air to begin the week...mid 90's later in the week*

Paul Dorian

After the passage of a cool front, drier air will flow into the region today and temperatures will be comfortably warm. The lower humidity will stick around another day on Tuesday, but temperatures will likely peak around the 90 degree mark. Even hotter conditions are expected later this week with highs likely in the middle 90’s by Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  

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7:00 AM | *Persistent pattern continues here at mid-week with a shot at PM showers and thunderstorms and high temperatures near the 90 degree mark*

Paul Dorian

A stalled-out frontal boundary zone continues to result in unstable atmospheric conditions across the northern part of Alabama as we reach mid-week. As a result, the chance of showers and thunderstorms will continue not only today, but for the next few days with the highest chance of rain each day coming during the afternoon and early evening hours. Temperatures look to be fairly consistent for the reminder of the week featuring afternoon highs not far from the 90 degree mark.

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7:00 AM | *The holiday brings with it a continuing chance of PM showers and thunderstorms*

Paul Dorian

The week started off on an unsettled note with the arrival of a frontal system and this boundary zone will tend to hang around the region during the next few days. As a result, the chance of showers and thunderstorms will continue on a daily basis through the week with the highest chance each day during the afternoon and early evening hours. Temperatures look to be fairly consistent for the reminder of the week featuring afternoon highs not far from the 90 degree mark.

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7:00 AM | *Showers and thunderstorms in the region today, tonight and on Tuesday...high temperatures persist around the 90 degree mark*

Paul Dorian

The week starts off on the unsettled side with a frontal system in close proximity and this will enhance the chance today for showers and thunderstorms.  Generally, unsettled weather is likely through the remainder of the week with a daily shot at showers and thunderstorms.  Temperatures look to be fairly consistent this week on the hot side with most days featuring afternoon high temperatures in the lower 90’s.

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7:00 AM | ***Our first stretch of very hot weather this season coming for Thursday, Friday and Saturday with daily highs near 100 degrees***

Paul Dorian

The big story on the weather for northern Alabama is the excessive heat that is on the way for the first time this season.  Highs today will each the low-to-mid 90’s and then will flirt with the 100 degree mark on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  It should be rain-free today across the region, but a shower or thunderstorm cannot be ruled out for tomorrow or Friday.

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