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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | ***The threat exists for strong-to-severe thunderstorm activity late tonight***

Paul Dorian

Today will be another day with the feel of summer as the air mass is quite warm and humid and there can be some scattered shower and thunderstorm activity. A better chance for showers and thunderstorms comes late tonight and some of the storms overnight can be strong-to-severe. The threat of showers and thunderstorms will continue on Thursday morning, but will diminish by tomorrow night and Friday as more comfortable and drier air pushes into northern Alabama.

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7:00 AM | *The 80's commonplace through mid-week...cooler air pushes in late in the week*

Paul Dorian

Very warm weather continues in the Tennessee Valley for the next few days and it’ll be unsettled right into mid-week with a daily chance of showers and thunderstorms.  Temperatures should climb to near 85 degrees for highs this afternoon and then well up in the 80’s during the next few days, but they’ll drop off late in the week following the passage of a cool frontal system.

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7:00 AM | *80+ degrees this weekend across northern Alabama and the warmth lasts right through the first half of next week*

Paul Dorian

Very warm weather continues in the Tennessee Valley for the next several days and it’ll be unsettled right into early next week with a daily chance of showers and thunderstorms.  Temperatures should climb to near 80 degrees for highs this afternoon and then well up in the 80’s for the weekend and first half of next week.

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7:00 AM | *A very warm weather pattern continues into next week across the Tennessee Valley...becomes unsettled as well with multiple chances of showers and storms*

Paul Dorian

Very warm weather continues in the Tennessee Valley for the next several days and it’ll turn much more unsettled for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with a daily chance of showers and thunderstorms.  Temperatures should climb well up into the 80’s right through the upcoming weekend.  

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7:00 AM | *The 80's to dominate for the rest of the week*

Paul Dorian

Very warm weather continues in the Tennessee Valley for the next couple of days which should feature generally rain-free conditions. The weather turns much more unsettled for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with a daily chance of showers and thunderstorms.  Temperatures should climb well up into the 80’s right through the upcoming weekend.  

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7:00 AM | *Warm again today with additional showers and thunderstorms possible in the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

Another warm and unsettled week day in the Tennessee Valley with the threat of additional showers and thunderstorms. Temperatures will not be quite as high as on Monday with peak this afternoon likely in the upper 70’s to go along with the chance of rain. The next couple of days will feature partial sun and very warm conditions with temperatures both Wednesday and Thursday climbing well up into the 80’s.

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7:00 AM | **The threat of strong thunderstorms tonight and Tuesday to potentially include some heavy rainfall**

Paul Dorian

A warm and unsettled week is coming to the Tennessee Valley with the end of April and beginning of May likely to features highs in the 80’s and multiple chances of showers and thunderstorms. The main players during the next few days will be an upper-level trough situated across the nation’s mid-section and a ridge aloft stationed over the western Atlantic. The chance of showers and thunderstorms from late today into later Tuesday will include the threat of strong storms containing heavy rainfall.

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7:00 AM | *A stretch of the 80+ degree weather across northern Alabama lasts right into the middle of next week*

Paul Dorian

High pressure has pushed to the east of here during the past 24 hours or so and this shift in location has opened the door for much warmer air to press eastward from the nation’s mid-section. As a result, temperatures will climb into the 80’s across northern Alabama not only today and tomorrow, but through much of the first half of next week as well.

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