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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Very warm weather pattern continues at least into the middle of next week across northern Alabama*

Paul Dorian

The main weather theme during the next several days will be very warm across northern Alabama and the threat of showers and thunderstorms from time-to-time. Temperatures are likely to peak around 90 degrees today for highs and then into the 90’s this weekend and early next week. In fact, temperatures may climb all the way to the mid and upper 90’s for highs by the middle of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Hot weather pattern remains in place right through the first half of next week*

Paul Dorian

The main weather theme during the next several days will be “hot” across the Tennessee Valley and the chance of PM showers and thunderstorms. Temperatures are likely to peak around 90 degrees today for highs and soar to the middle 90’s on Friday afternoon and both days this upcoming weekend. The heat will extend into the first half of next week and may even intensify so that highs by Tuesday afternoon could be in the upper 90’s across the northern part of Alabama.

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7:00 AM | *Continued hot at mid-week across the Tennessee Valley with the chance of PM showers and thunderstorms*

Paul Dorian

An approaching cool front and a decaying complex of thunderstorms may be just enough to trigger the development of afternoon and evening showers and thunderstorms across the Tennessee Valley. This threat of rain will diminish late tonight and Thursday promises to be a nice break from the heat and humidity as high pressure arrives from the middle of the nation.

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7:00 AM | *A hot week across much of the nation including the Southeast US*

Paul Dorian

Upper-level high pressure ridging is the theme across much of the nation this week and the Southeast US is no exception. As a result, the week will be hot and there will be scattered showers and thunderstorms from time-to-time. Temperatures later today can peak in the middle 90’s for afternoon highs and the 90’s are likely for highs through the remainder of this the first full week of summer.

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7:00 AM | **High heat and humidity this weekend and much of next week**

Paul Dorian

The heat of recent days will continue over the next several days and humidity will increase to very uncomfortable levels. Temperatures today will climb to the middle 90’s and likely reach the mid or upper 90’s this upcoming weekend. The potential for rain will increase this weekend with the chance of showers and storms and that threat of rain will continue through the first half of next week. Any thunderstorm during the weekend and early part of next week can produce heavy rainfall and locally damaging wind gusts.

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7:00 AM | *Hot stretch coming from Friday through Monday with middle 90's on the table for afternoon highs*

Paul Dorian

The heat will increase as we heads towards the late week with highs near 90 degrees this afternoon and then likely the middle 90’s on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The chance of showers and thunderstorms will be low for the next couple of days, but increase this weekend with the approach of a weak frontal system to the north and west of here.

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7:00 AM | *A stretch of hot weather coming for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will build in all levels of the atmosphere over the next 24 hours across the eastern half of the nation and this will lead to a stretch of hot later in the week and during the upcoming weekend. Temperatures will climb to near 90 degrees during the next couple of days and then well up into the 90’s by Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. There can be some thunderstorm activity by the weekend, but rain-free conditions should exist through the remainder of the work week.

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