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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

6:30 AM | *Patchy fog this morning....chance of PM showers, maybe a thunderstorm*

Paul Dorian

This will be an unsettled week in the Mid-Atlantic region with multiple chances of rainfall following a very cool and wet weekend. It turns warmer today with afternoon highs in the low-to-mid 70’s, and there will be the chance of showers with the approach of a cool frontal system. This front will then stall nearby and a series of disturbances will track along this boundary. Low pressure will move across the Mid-Atlantic region on Thursday and it'll drag a cold front through by the end of the week. 

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6:15 AM | *An ocean flow of air today and a cool, damp weekend is on the way...multiple chances of rain next week**

Paul Dorian

It turns cooler today despite partial sunshine as a low-level flow of air out of the east-to-northeast brings in marine air from the western Atlantic Ocean…all supported by building high pressure over New England. This cool down will intensify over the weekend with both days featuring quite cool conditions, plenty of clouds, and a high risk of some rain. Looking ahead, it appears the wetter pattern that begins this weekend will continue next week as there will be numerous chances for rain.

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7:00 AM | **Very warm today...much cooler tomorrow...quite cool this weekend with some rain likely on both days**

Paul Dorian

A cool front will approach the region later today, but it’ll be lacking in moisture and temperatures ahead of it should climb to very warm levels throughout the NYC metro region. It turns much cooler on Friday as a low-level flow of air out of the east-to-northeast develops all along the I-95 corridor. This cool down will intensify over the weekend with both days featuring quite cool conditions and temperatures limited to the lower 60’s for afternoon highs. In addition, both days will feature plenty of clouds and a high risk of shower activity to go along with those cool conditions. The return of some sunshine on Monday will help to boost temperatures back up into the 70’s as high pressure builds across the Mid-Atlantic region.

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7:00 AM | *The chance of a shower or thunderstorm couple days look dry, warm...much cooler this weekend*

Paul Dorian

A stalled-out and weakening frontal system can generate another shower or thunderstorm today in the NYC metro region before high pressure takes control of the weather for tonight and Thursday. After a partly cloudy and cool night, partial sunshine on Thursday will boost temperatures to the mid-to-upper 70’s for afternoon highs and it looks pretty nice on Friday to end the work week. The weekend is likely to turn out quite cool and damp as a cold front approaches the area from the west and there is a low-level flow of air off the ocean.

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7:00 AM | *The passage of a back door cool front knocks off several degrees from temperatures compared to yesterday*

Paul Dorian

The passage of a back door cool front will result in a low-level flow of air today out of the east-to-northeast and this will knock off several degrees from our temperatures. In fact, temperatures this afternoon are likely to be confined to the upper 60’s for highs as compared with the 80’s on Monday. In terms of rain, there can be showers and thunderstorms this evening and a shower or thunderstorm cannot be ruled out on Wednesday with the combination of a stalled out back door cool front and another approaching from the west.

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7:00 AM | **Warmest day of the season so far with highs way up in the 80's**

Paul Dorian

After a warm frontal passage on Sunday, the warmest air of the season so far will push into the area and afternoon temperatures today should reach the middle 80’s. A backdoor cool front approaches the area this evening and hangs around on Tuesday and this can result in scattered showers and thunderstorms. Temperatures will not be as high on Tuesday on the other side of the frontal system with highs likely around 70 degrees following the 80’s of later today. It stays unsettled at mid-week with additional showers and thunderstorms possible and afternoon high temperatures again likely close to the 70 degree mark.

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6:20 AM | **Big-time warmup coming for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday**

Paul Dorian

After a chilly start to the day, temperatures today should climb to 60 degrees for afternoon highs and similar conditions are expected on Saturday. However, by Sunday, a big-time warmup will begin in much of the eastern US and temperatures here will soar into the middle 70’s as high pressure pushes off the east coast. It turns even warmer on Monday with temperatures climbing into the low-to-mid 80’s across the NYC metro region. A cold frontal system approaches the area late Tuesday, and it could generate showers and thunderstorms in the area.

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6:30 AM | *A chilly air mass sticks around into the weekend...big-time warmup for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday*

Paul Dorian

A cold front passed through the region on Wednesday and ushered in a chilly air mass that will stick around into the upcoming weekend. Temperatures today will struggle to escape the 50’s which is well below-normal for this time of year and are likely to drop into the upper 30’s in many spots late tonight for the overnight lows.

A big-time warmup, however, is on the way for the eastern US beginning this Sunday after high pressure pushes off the coast. Temperatures on Sunday afternoon are to climb well up in the 70’s and 80+ degrees is possible on Monday.

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7:00 AM | *Cold front arrives later today and another chilly air mass follows for the remainder of the week...80+ degrees early next week*

Paul Dorian

A cold front will slide across the region today bringing with it a few showers, maybe even a rumble of thunder…not a significant rain event. The passage of the cold front will usher in another chilly air mass to the Mid-Atlantic region for the remainder of the second half of the week. Temperatures are likely to drop into the 30’s in many suburban locations by early tomorrow morning and again early Friday morning, and there can be some more in the way of patchy frost.

A major temperature pattern change begins later in the weekend with a big-time warm-up for the eastern states. Temperatures around here on Sunday afternoon should climb to well up in the 70’s and 80+ degrees is possible on Monday.

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7:00 AM | *The passage of a cold front later tomorrow will usher in another chilly air mass for the second half of the week...big warmup next week*

Paul Dorian

After another chilly start to the day, mainly sunny skies will help to boost afternoon temperatures into the mid 60’s for afternoon highs. A cold front will slide across the region on Wednesday tomorrow bringing with it a few showers, maybe a thunderstorm, but not a significant rain event. The passage of the cold front will usher in another chilly air mass to the Mid-Atlantic region for the second half of the week. Temperatures are likely to drop into the 30’s in many suburban locations by early Thursday morning and again early Friday morning and there can be some more in the way of patchy frost.

A major temperature pattern change begins later in the weekend with a warm-up for the eastern states. High temperatures around here on Sunday afternoon should be well up in the 70’s and 80 degrees is possible on Monday.

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