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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

8:45 AM What a difference!

Paul Dorian

Much more pleasant weather has moved into the region thanks to a large high pressure system centered over the Great Lakes this morning. This air mass has more comfortable humidity levels compared to recent days with dew points as low as the low 50’s which is a pleasant turn of events for the middle part of July. Sunshine should rule this weekend as well as the high pressure system heads towards the New England coast. It’ll become very warm again by early next week with an increase in moisture levels as well. Today- mostly sunny, pleasant, cool breeze at times, low-to-mid 80’s

Tonight- clear, comfortable, lows in the mid 60’s

Fri- mostly sunny, pleasant, low-to-mid 80’s

Sat- mostly sunny, still pretty pleasant, mid 80’s

Sun- mostly sunny, quite warm, mid-to-upper 80’s

Mon- partly sunny, very warm and more humid, upper 80’s; chance for a shower or thunderstorm at night

Tues- partly sunny, very warm and humid, chance for a shower or thunderstorm, near 90