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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

8:20 AM | Hurricane Irene on a collision course with the Mid-Atlantic

Paul Dorian

6-Day Forecast


Partly sunny, warm, slight chance for an afternoon shower or thunderstorm, highs in the mid 80’s


Becoming mostly cloudy with occasional showers and thunderstorms possible late at night, lows near 70


Intermittent showers and thunderstorms during the day and then tropical storm conditions at night with torrential rain and damaging winds, highs in the low 80’s and lows at night in the mid 60’s


Tropical storm conditions in the morning with torrential rain and damaging winds, showers and thunderstorms still possible during the afternoon and windy, mid-to-upper 70’s for highs


Mostly sunny, breezy, pleasant temperatures, highs near 80


Mostly sunny, warm, low 80’s


Mostly sunny, pleasant, highs near 80


The brunt of Hurricane Irene will affect us tomorrow night through Sunday morning in about a 12-hour period, but occasional showers and thunderstorms are possible here from late tonight through early afternoon tomorrow. During the brunt of the storm, torrential rain and damaging winds are likely with peak winds gusts of hurricane-force levels possible (i.e. 74 mph or higher). Total new rainfall amounts could fall in the range of 5-10 inches which will create numerous flooding issues. In addition to the flooding concerns, power outages are quite likely with the strong winds gusts and saturated grounds. The storm winds down Sunday afternoon and evening as it heads towards New York City and New England after passing near or over the New Jersey coastline on Sunday morning.

