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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

6:00 AM | Periods of rain into tomorrow which can be heavy at times; sun returns for the holiday

Paul Dorian

6-Day Forecast


Mostly cloudy, periods of rain and some of the rain can be heavy at times, cool, mid 50’s


Occasional showers and a couple of thunderstorms possible late, some of the rain can be heavy at times, temperatures holding steady or rising slowly through the night


Mostly cloudy, lingering morning showers and patches of fog possible, maybe even another thunderstorm, mild, low 60’s


Mainly sunny, breezy, cooler, near 55


Mainly sunny, cool, upper 50’s


Mainly sunny, a bit milder, low 60’s


Becoming mostly cloudy, showers possible late in the day or at night, cooler, upper 50’s


Low pressure will move from Arkansas this morning to western Pennsylvania by very late tonight and it will bring a soaking rain with it to the DC metro region. There will be periods of rain right through tonight and a couple of thunderstorms could mix into the picture. Temperatures will hold steady or rise slowly tonight behind a warm frontal system and highs tomorrow will reach the low 60’s before a cold front passes through the region. Drier and cooler air will then move in for the Thanksgiving Day holiday and it should stay dry on Friday and Saturday as well.