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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:15 AM | Mild through Sunday; rain event early next week

Paul Dorian

6-Day Forecast


Mainly sunny, milder, low 60's


Mostly clear, cold, low 40’s


Mainly sunny, mild, low 60’s


Some sun early then thickening clouds, mild, near 60; rain possible late at night


Mostly cloudy, cooler, rain likely and it could be heavy, mid-to-upper 50’s


Mostly cloudy, showers likely, cool, mid 50’s


Mostly cloudy, showers likely, even cooler, upper 40’s


High pressure will control our weather through the weekend as temperatures experience an upward trend. A vigorous upper level system may then spawn the development of a moisture-laden storm along a slow-moving cold front to begin the new week and it could sweep right up the east coast. This potential significant rain event would be followed by an intrusion of colder air for the middle and latter portions of next week.