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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | Fall preview continues for much of the week

Paul Dorian

6-Day Forecast


Mostly sunny, pleasant, mid 70’s for highs


Mostly clear, quite cool, upper 50’s for lows


Mostly sunny, pleasant, mid 70’s

Tuesday Night

Mostly clear, cool, near 60


Mostly sunny, comfortably warm, near 80


Mostly sunny, comfortably warm, near 80


Mostly sunny, comfortably warm, near 80


Mostly sunny, pleasant, upper 70’s


Our taste of autumn that began on Sunday following a cold frontal passage will continue right into mid-week. High temperatures for the next couple of days will hold in the mid 70’s, but will come close to the 80 degree mark by Wednesday afternoon. The normal high temperature on this date at Central Park Airport is 78 degrees so we’ll be below normal until mid-week. As far as precipitation is concerned, it looks rain-free for quite awhile - a good week to stain the deck or resurface the driveway. Finally, there were some Mid-Atlantic severe weather reports with the weekend frontal passage including a couple of tornadoes reported in and around the New York City metro region (Breezy Point, Queens and Canarsie, Brooklyn), winds gusts of 58 mph in northern Virginia (Arlington, Chantilly), a funnel cloud observed in Lancaster County, PA, and a scattering of downed trees.

