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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | Nice start to the week, but clouds will dominate Tuesday and Wednesday as warmer air tries to move in; We'll be keeping an eye on the tropics all week as there are hints for an east coast monster in about a week

Paul Dorian

6-Day Forecast


Mostly sunny, pleasant, upper 60’s


Partly cloudy, mild, mid-to-upper 50’s


Mostly cloudy, warm, a couple of showers possible, near 70

Tuesday Night

Mostly cloudy, mild, a couple of showers likely, mid 50’s


Mostly cloudy, warm, a little drizzle possible early, near 70


Partly sunny, pleasant, upper 60's


Mostly sunny, warm, low 70’s


Partly sunny, pleasant, near 70


Other than a few possible light showers from later Tuesday into Wednesday, the weather around here looks to be rather decent through the work week and right into the early part of the weekend thanks to a large high pressure system centered over the southeastern states. The latter part of the weekend and the early next week part of next week, however, are up for grabs at this time as it appears that there will be one last gasp from the tropical Atlantic season and the east coast may very well be impacted.

A tropical system is likely to develop over the next few days in the Caribbean Sea region and then it will gradually head north to the western Atlantic by the weekend. At the same time, a large upper level trough of low pressure with extensive cold air behind it will be dropping southeastward from Canada towards the eastern US and the ultimate interaction between this large scale system and the tropical system will be quite interesting to watch. Some numerical models suggest a phasing together of the upper level trough and the tropical system will take place early next week and the result would be a big wet problem with a lot of wind for the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast US. All eyes from Florida to Maine should monitor this unfolding scenario.

