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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | Back to windy and cold as Canadian high pressure takes over with an occasional snow shower

Paul Dorian

6-Day Forecast


Partly sunny, windy, cold, an occasional snow shower, highs only reaching the low-to-mid 30’s (normal high is now 44)


Partly cloudy, breezy, very cold, near 20 degrees for late night lows


Mostly sunny, still quite breezy and cold, mid 30’s

Thursday Night

Mostly clear, cold, low-to-mid 20’s


Becoming mostly cloudy with a chance for some snow possibly mixed with rain, cold, upper 30’s


Mostly cloudy with a chance for snow, sleet or rain, cold, low 40’s


Mostly cloudy, chilly, some rain, sleet or snow possible early, low 40’s


Partly sunny, chilly, low-to-mid 40’s


A cold front crossed the region yesterday and it has ushered in another impressively cold air mass into the Mid-Atlantic. Temperatures today will struggle to escape the low-to-mid 30’s, some 10 degrees below normal for this time of year, despite some sunshine. Winds will also be a noticeable factor today gusting to 35 mph at times causing much lower wind chill values and the wind and chill will continue on Thursday as well.

Meanwhile, a storm that originated over the Gulf of Alaska moved across California yesterday and it will spill over to the Central Plains later today from the southern Rockies. This storm will cause a major snowstorm over the next 24-48 hours from the Central Plains to the Upper Midwest in places like Omaha, NE and Des Moines, IA. Even Chicago could get its biggest snowfall of the season so far by later Thursday. While this storm will weaken later this week, some of its moisture will advance into our region late Friday bringing with it an enhanced threat for some snow, sleet or rain. Then the weekend will feature the formation of low pressure near the Gulf of Mexico that will head on a track to the south of here towards the Mid-Atlantic coast from the Southeast US and it could spread some rain, sleet or snow into the Mid-Atlantic later Saturday into Sunday.

