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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | **Bitter cold today with sub-zero wind chills; snow tonight could produce a coating to a couple of inches**

Paul Dorian

6-Day Forecast


Brutal cold with partly sunny skies, breezy, high temperatures only able to reach the mid-to-upper teens, sub-zero wind chills


Bitter cold with cloudy skies, some snow likely with a coating to a couple of inches possible, lows in the low teens


Still very cold with partly sunny skies after early morning clouds and possible residual snow, near 20

Wednesday Night

Very cold with clear skies and lows in the middle teens


Mostly sunny skies, cold, but not nearly as harsh, near 30


Partly sunny, cold, mid 30’s


Mostly cloudy, cold, chance for rain and/or snow, near 40


Partly sunny, breezy, colder, mid 30’s


A powerful Arctic front plowed through the region yesterday and it ushered in another bitter cold Arctic air mass that had its origins over Siberia on the other side of the North Pole. Temperatures this morning range from 37 below in Longville, Minnesota to 14 below at Madison, Wisconsin to single digits just north and west of NYC.

Temperatures around here today will struggle to get past the mid-to-upper teens for highs and wind chill values will be sub-zero for much of the day. Low pressure along the Southeast US coast will spread snow and ice from Texas to southeastern Virginia over the next 12-24 hours and it now appears the I-95 corridor is likely to receive some snow - perhaps on the order of a coating to a couple of inches in and around the big cities - with the lesser amounts to the north and west and the higher amounts to the south and east. As we get closer and closer to the event time the computer forecast models have tended to expand the precipitation shield farther and farther to the north and west which is not too surprising given a normal southeast bias with coastal storm tracks. Several inches of snow is likely later tonight across central and eastern sections of Long Island. An easing of the bitter cold will occur later this week as this Siberian air mass gradually lifts out of the Mid-Atlantic region. Saturday is likely to be the warmest day of the next several with high temperatures near 40 degrees. Colder air returns for Super Bowl Sunday into the Mid-Atlantic region, but it is a moderately cold air mass and not like the current bitter cold.

