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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | High chance for showers and thunderstorms next couple of days and some of the rain will be heavy; quite a cool weekend on its way

Paul Dorian

6-Day Forecast


Partly sunny, quite warm, humid, chance for mid-to-late afternoon showers and thunderstorms, highs in the upper 80’s


Mainly cloudy, mild, chance for showers and thunderstorms, lows in the upper 60’s


Partly sunny skies, a tad cooler, chance for showers and thunderstorms, low-to-mid 80’s

Friday Night

Mostly cloudy, mild, good chance for showers and thunderstorms, upper 60’s


Mostly cloudy, quite cool, chance for a few showers and possibly a thunderstorm, upper 70’s


Partly-to-mostly sunny, quite cool, mid-to-upper 70’s


Mainly sunny, still quite cool, mid-to-upper 70’s


Mainly sunny, pleasant, near 80


An active weather pattern is in store for the Mid-Atlantic region over the next couple of days as waves of low pressure move along a stalled out frontal boundary zone. Scattered showers and thunderstorms are likely to affect the region through tomorrow night and possibly even on Saturday and some of the rain will fall heavily at times. Canadian high pressure will eventually build south into the region from southeastern Canada and this system will end up being the main weather feature by later this weekend and through the early part of next week and it will generate an unusually cool low-level east-to-northeast flow of air into the region. In fact, high temperatures this weekend up and down the I-95 corridor region from DC-to-New York City will generally be confined to the 70's which is well below normal for this time of year.

